Expert and fellow directory


Dr Chux Daniels's picture
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Research Fellow in Science, Technology and Innnovation Policy at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex, UK
Melina Galdos Frisancho's picture
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Dr Melina Galdos is a Research Fellow at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex. Her research focuses on understanding how different actors perceive and act on innovation by examining the case of transformative innovations in Latin America. Her research interests revolve around the role of universities, organisations' normative expectations, and researchers' values and beliefs around the potential of innovation to overcome social exclusion. She is also the Secretary of the not-for-profit organisation Cientí and the founder of the social initiative Kamaq.
Amit Malik's picture
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Michael Barany's picture
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History, sociology, and culture of mathematical sciences.
Lena Rethel's picture
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I am a Professor of International Political Economy at the University of Warwick. My research focuses on the political economy of financial development with a regional focus on Southeast Asia, and the emergence and (global) governance of Islamic finance and other halal economies.
Natasja Holtzhausen's picture
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I am a passionate, active participant and facilitator of learning. I am a Professor at the University of Pretoria's School of Public Management and Administration in South Africa. My doctorate focused on whistleblower protection and I am passionate about the eradication of corruption, strengthening of strong, ethical organizations and the protection of those that disclose wrongdoings. I serve on various committees including review and advisory committees to the South African government.
Mohammad Amir Anwar's picture
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I am Lecturer in African Studies and International Development at the University of Edinburgh. I am a geographer by training. My work is in the fields of economic geography, development studies, political economy, and labour studies. I am interested to explore the challenges of digital transformation and its impact on economy, labour, and society in Africa.
Margaret Chitiga-Mabugu's picture
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Prof Chitiga-Mabugu joined the University of Pretoria as Director and Head of the School of Public Management and Administration from 1 September 2014. She was the Executive Director of Economic Performance and Development at the Human Sciences Research Council prior to joining the University. Prof Chitiga-Mabugu was previously professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Pretoria, where she taught microeconomics, public sector economics, development economics, economic modelling and mathematics for economists. She has supervised over a dozen PhD and MSc students.
Erin McCandless's picture
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I am a seasoned scholar and policy adviser with over two decades experience working on and in conflict-affected, fragile and transitional settings. My focus lies in understanding these contexts and how processes of peacebuilding and transformative social change unfold and can be better nurtured. I am based in Johannesburg, South Africa, where I am an Associate Professor at the School of Governance in the University of Witwatersrand, and I direct a research and policy dialogue project on Forging Resilient Social Contracts. I proudly co-founded the internationally peer reviewed Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, and I regularly collaborate with the United Nations and other international organisations, conducting research and evaluation, and facilitating strategic, policy-relevant processes and trainings. This brings a strong evidenced based and practically grounded orientation to my scholarly work.
Tyanai Masiya's picture
Short description: 
Expert in Public Administration, Local government management; Public service delivery

