Expert and fellow directory


Hong Quan Nguyen's picture
Short description: 
I am currently associate professor at the Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh city (VNU-HCM). I'm leading a newly established Institute for Circular Economy Development (ICED) and also affiliated with socio-hydrology group at center of Water management and Climate Change (WACC), Institute for Env. and Res. (IER), VNU-HCM. I have a special interest in solving environmental related issues based on inter/trans-disciplinary study and by a strong partnership among academia-industry-government.
Larry Backer's picture
Short description: 
W. Richard and Mary Eshelman Faculty Scholar, Professor of Law and International Affairs at Pennsylvania State University (B.A. Brandeis University; M.P.P. Harvard University Kennedy School of Government; J.D. Columbia University). Rresearches in the areas of economic globalization, corporate social responsibility (including human rights and sustainability/climate change), international affairs, global governance, trade and finance, and on Party-State systems, with specific focus on China and Cuba. Teaches courses in corporate law, CSR-RBC, multinational corporations, international institutions, as well as on religion and constitutional law (liberal democratic and Marxist-Leninist) . Lectured in Latin America, Europe and Asia. In addition to journal articles and contributions to collected multi-authored works, his publications include "Elements of Law and the U.S. Legal System "(Carolina Academic Press forthcoming 2021), "Hong Kong Between 'One Country' and 'Two Systems':" (Little Sir Press, forthcoming 2020); "Cuba’s Caribbean Marxism: Essays on Ideology, Government, Society, and Economy in the Post Fidel Castro Era" (Little Sir Press 2018); "Lawyers Making Meaning: The Semiotics of Law in Legal Education II" (Springer, 2013) (with Jan M. Broekman) "Comparative Corporate Law" (Carolina Academic Press 2002), and edited collections of essays, "Signs in Law, a Source Book—The Semiotics of Law in Legal Education" (with Jan M. Broekman, Springer, 2014) "Harmonizing Law in an Era of Globalization" (Carolina Academic Press, 2007). He has published over one hundred articles and book chapters in journals in the U.S., Latin Americas, China, and Europe, where he has also lectured. His short essays on many of these topics may be found on his blogsite: “Law at the End of the Day” ( Spainsh fuent; reading knowledge French, Italian, Portuguese.
Emily Pakhtigian's picture
Short description: 
I am an assistant professor in the School of Public Policy at Penn State University. In my research, I use econometric tools to examine human-environmental interactions related to environmental health, water and sanitation, air pollution, human capital accumulation, and water resource management. My research includes work to understand the processes by which households adopt and use environmental health technologies, the health and educational consequences of ambient air pollution exposure, and the economic implications of water resource management. I also study energy and environmental policy applications. I received my Ph.D. in public policy, with a concentration in economics, from the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University. I also hold a M.A. in economics from Duke University and B.A.s in economics and political science from Moravian College.
Briony Jones's picture
Short description: 
I am a Reader of International Development in the Politics and International Studies Department of the University of Warwick, UK. I am also Director of the Warwick Interdisciplinary Research Centre for International Development. My research specialisms - inequality, human rights, transitional justice, education, reconciliation, politics of knowledge, citizenship - connect me to the policy and practice world. I collaborate with organisations such as the UN CED, UNHCR, CERAH, OCHRA as well as various UN Special Rapporteurs and NGOs across the world. I previously worked for swisspeace, and at the Universities of Basel, Manchester and East London.
Eleanor Gordon's picture
Short description: 
Dr Eleanor Gordon has a PhD in Criminology and spent 24 years working in the field of conflict, security, justice and human rights. This includes 10 years working in UN peace operations in management and advisory roles, and a further 14 years as a scholar and consultant to various governments, international organisations, civil society organisations and universities. She is currently a Senior Lecturer at Monash University, where her research, teaching and practice focus on inclusive approaches to building security and justice after conflict.
Wei Peng's picture
Short description: 
I am an assistant professor at the Penn State University, with a joint appointment between the School of International Affairs and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. I serve as the associate director for the Initiative for Sustainable Energy Policy in the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, and the associate director for Penn State's Center for Climate Risk Management. My research aims to inform energy policy in both emerging markets and advanced economies to align their decarbonization efforts with local environmental and socioeconomic concerns, such as air pollution, public health, water conservation, and economic development. I use a variety of modeling methods to generate policy-relevant information, including atmospheric chemistry and transport model (e.g. WRF-Chem), integrated assessment model (e.g. GCAM, GAINS, RICE), as well as optimization model. I received my PhD degree in Science, Technology and Environmental Policy from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, and my bachelors degree in Environmental Science from Peking University, China. Before coming to Penn State, I was a Giorgio Ruffolo Post-Doctoral Fellow and a Research Associate with the Belfer Center for Science and International affairs at the J.F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
Sophia A McClennen's picture
Short description: 
Sophia A. McClennen is professor of international affairs and comparative literature at Penn State University and founding director of the Center for Global Studies. She has published twelve books including Pranksters vs. Autocrats with Srdja Popovic (Cornell 2020), Globalization and Latin American Cinema Palgrave 2018) and The Routledge Companion to Literature and Human Rights (Routledge 2015). In addition to her books she has edited eight special issues of journals and published over 70 scholarly essays on a range of topics all of which coalesce around the question of how culture, politics, and society intersect.
Gonzalo Fanjul's picture
Short description: 
Director of the global policy department at think tank health institute ISGlobal (Barcelona, Spain) for the Madrid office. Keywords: Innovation and access, healthcare, migration, reform, government.
Vusumuzi NCUBE's picture
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Researcher in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy. Biomedical Scientist by background.
Abigail Martin's picture
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Abigail Martin (Ph.D. Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley, with a certificate in Science & Technology Studies (STS) from the Center for Science, Technology, Medicine & Society) is a Research Fellow based at the University of Sussex School of Business in the Science Policy Research Unit. She researches issues of democratic governance for environmentally and socially just transitions by studying struggles over resources and controversial technologies in agricultural, extractive and power production networks, including: biofuel development in the US and Brazil; biofuel sustainability standards-setting and LCA as a regulatory science; advancing environmental justice and economic equity in climate policy; cooperative and commons-based deployment of solar PV; fracking and natural gas production in the US, UK and Argentina; and the social and environmental implications of industrial decarbonization.

