Expert and fellow directory


Sara Meger's picture
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Sara Meger is a lecturer in international relations at the University of Melbourne. Her research examines the causes of armed conflict and political violence, drawing on critical feminist and global political economy analyses.
Pradeep Taneja's picture
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Dr Pradeep Taneja is a Senior Lecturer in Asian Politics and an Academic Fellow of the Australia India Institute at the University of Melbourne. He has worked in senior roles with a number of organisations in Australia and Asia. Born and educated in India, he lived and worked in China for more than six years during the 1980s and 90s. In addition to his work on China, he continues to maintain teaching and research interests in Indian politics and foreign policy and regularly writes about it. He was a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, in 2016 and a Visiting Fellow at the Mercator Institute for China Studies in Berlin from May to July 2019. He also worked in Bangkok for two years to help establish a new private university. Earlier he was Director of International Programs in the Graduate School of Management at La Trobe University. His professional career has combined teaching, consultancy and research. Pradeep is frequently interviewed by Australian and foreign media on developments in the Asia-Pacific region. He has published in a variety of journals, including International Politics, European Studies, South Asia, and Asia Policy. He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs. His forthcoming book (OUP) looks at India’s China Challenge. Pradeep studied at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Peking University and the University of Oslo before earning a PhD from Griffith University in Australia. He has published on inclusive policies in China and India.
Sarah Maddison's picture
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Sarah Maddison is Professor of Politics in the School of Social and Political Sciences, and Director of the Australian Centre at the University of Melbourne. Sarah is particularly interested in work that helps reconceptualise political relationships between First Nations and the Australian settler state, including critical examinations of a range of relevant public policies. Sarah has published widely in international journals and is the author or editor of nine books including, most recently, The Colonial Fantasy: Why white Australia can’t solve black problems. Her other books in the field include The Limits of Settler Colonial Reconciliation (2016), Conflict Transformation and Reconciliation (2015), Beyond White Guilt (2011), Unsettling the Settler State (2011), and Black Politics (2009). Sarah has led numerous research projects and was an Australian Research Council Future Fellow for 2011-14, undertaking a project that examined reconciliation in Australia, South Africa, Northern Ireland, and Guatemala.
Jared O Bell's picture
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Dr. Jared O. Bell is a post-conflict development expert with extensive experience in designing and managing international human rights, democratization, and rule of law and justice sector programs. A prolific writer, Dr. Bell has published numerous articles on human rights, transitional justice, reconciliation and peace building, and is the author of the book “Frozen Justice: Lessons from Bosnia Herzegovina's Failed Transitional Justice Strategy” published with Vernon Press in 2018.
Brian Polkinghorn's picture
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I am a conflict intervention practitioner of over 30 years and a professor of Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution for the last 25+ years.
TK Pooe's picture
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I am a fulltime lecture at the Wits School of Governance. Previous to this one has worked at the North West University School of Government, taught and run the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Howard College) Public Policy Honours Programme. I am a Public Policy specialist by training and research in the fields of (1) Local Economic Development (LED) and its use of Small to Medium Enterprises (SMMEs) (2) Economic Development Policy and the role of institutions within this process (3) Scenario Planning thinking and planning for Public Policy purposes and Failure Analysis within government thinking and Public Policies and institutions. Before joining academia on a fulltime bases he worked as a Policy research consultant at the Gauteng Provincial Legislature and researcher for Integrated Development Planning Unit at the Sedibeng District Municipality (South African local government). During this time he worked on various socioeconomic and political analysis projects with the principle aim of understanding how and why local government in South Africa is unable to deliver economic development dividends like employment, effective spatial planning and efficient institutional processes and policies. I have also worked on various consulting and research projects looking into how government institutions across four Southern African States have been unable to address the problem of Illicit Financial Flows (IFF) in the mining sector/industry and how this impacts the socioeconomic environment of those States, this was done under the Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institution. In addition to this he has worked on Scenario Planning projects looking at the state of South Africa’s mining, energy and business sector at the Gordon Institute of Business Science (University of Pretoria).
Brittany Foutz's picture
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Dr. Brittany Foutz is a Faculty member of the Department of Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution at Salisbury University. Dr. Foutz is the Co-Director of Salisbury Regional Centre of Expertise, a location acknowledged by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and United Nations University. This United Nations location focuses on conflict prevention and creative problem-solving. Dr. Foutz has been elected to be on the United Nations Americas Governance Committee and United Nations Americas Strategic Planning Support Committee, and Leader of the United Nations Americas Task Force on Education.
Shirin Rai's picture
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Professor in the department of Politics and International Studies and the Director of Warwick Interdisciplinary Research Centre for International Development (WICID). She has written extensively on issues of gender, governance and development - specifically, she works on political institutions and on unpaid care work and the consequences of not recognising its contribution to the economy and society. She is the author of Gender Politics of Development (2008) and Performing Representation:women in the Indian Parliament (with Carole Spary, 2019) and the editor of many books including New Frontiers in Feminist Political Economy. She is on the editorial board of the journal Gender and Development. She has worked with UNDP and UNWomen. Currently she is writing a book on Depletion: the human cost of care.
Nick Vaughan-Williams's picture
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Nick Vaughan-Williams is Professor of International Security at the University of Warwick, UK. He holds degrees in Modern History and International Relations from the University of Oxford (BA and MA), the University of Warwick (MA), and the University of Wales, Aberystwyth (PhD). A former recipient of the Philip Leverhulme Prize for Politics and International Studies, his programme of research focuses on the international politics of borders, migration, and security. Supported by grants from the British Academy, ESRC, and Leverhulme Trust, his work investigates the changing nature and location of attempts to govern human mobility - particularly in the contemporary European context - and what this tells us about the societies in which we live. Research findings have been presented to the EU Commission, Frontex, the Maltese Presidency, the UK Cabinet Office, and the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office. His latest books are 'Vernacular Border Security: Citizens' Narratives of Europe's "Migration Crisis"' (Oxford University Press, 2021) and 'Reclaiming Migration: Voices from Europe's "Migrant Crisis"' (with Vicki Squire, Nina Perkowski, and Dallal Stevens) (Manchester University Press, 2021). Previous books include 'Europe's Border Crisis' (Oxford University Press, 2015, 2017), 'Everyday Security Threats' (with Daniel Stevens) (Manchester University Press, 2016, 2018) and 'Border Politics' (Edinburgh University Press, 2009, 2012) (Gold Winner of the Association for Borderlands Studies Book Award). He is also co-author of the leading textbook, now in its Third Edition, 'Critical Security Studies' (with Columba Peoples) (Routledge, 2010, 2015, 2021) and co-editor of the highly-acclaimed Interventions book series (with Jenny Edkins), which in 10 years has published more than 130 books.
Amit Kumar Choubey's picture
Short description: 
Amit Choubey a Serial Social Entrepreneur founded organizations named Sanmat, FDS Pvt Ltd, Banka Silk Pvt Ltd, Devlabs Pvt Ltd , Bihar Social Entrepreneurs Association & Bihar School of Idea & Innovation. M.AGovernance and Development with IDS-Sussex, UK & LLB from BRABU, India and MPA LKY School of Public Policy, NUS, Singapore. UNESCO Bbsr recognised as National Youth Icon (India) for 2018 and British Council featured him among their best alumnae of last decade. In more than decade of experience, Amit have worked in India , Nepal, UK with Global think tanks like GSDRC, UK, government’s departments, INGOs in strategising & implementing development programs, incubating Social & village level entrepreneurs and .His social most successful venture Sanmat has more than 254 million USD worth of social development projects in India along with 143 Team members and 57000 volunteers across country. He is currently running three hospitals, two vocational ITI educational institutions for youth and 20 Vocational skill building centres for provincial government of Bihar and Jharkhand and providing implementation consulting in 1600 panchayat towards implementation of Social forestry program under NREGS( National Rural employment guarantee scheme).He has direct reach in more than 10000 village panchayat through his different programs.

