Partner on data to make it work for public good


Partner on data to make it work for public good

Welcome to our expert series on the post-COVID reset. That is, a reset along a more inclusive and smart path. The series introduces listeners to leading thinkers as they debate concrete policy options for such a recovery and take stock of the data that could (and should) inform these policy shifts. 
This is a three-part podcast on new data and, particularly, if and how the private and the public sectors should be working together to advance its use for public good.
The expert is World Bank’s Holly Krambeck. She founded the Development Data Partnership – a coalition between international organizations and the private sector to further responsible use of third-party data in international development. This role and the expertise coming from it are key to our conversation today.
The hosts are UNESCO’s John Crowley and Iulia Sevciuc.


PART 1: Worries and priorities


The intricacies of the current data landscapes can hardly be overstated, with matters of access, ownership, stewardship, and capacity to engage with new data being on the list. All affect its use in public decision making. This part looks into:

  • Key barriers – what are those and how to prioritize;
  • Access to data – does the public sector have access to data it needs, is it of the right kind, did COVID-19 teach us anything; and
  • Winners and losers – who are those in a system where the demand, from the public sector and beyond, for new data is so high yet the supply is limited to a handful of private companies.


PART 1: Worries and Priorities








PART 2: Solutions – big and small


This part talks solution, digging into:

  • Big picture – what changes need to happen at a broader scale, in regulations and systems, to allow for more effective and responsible use of new data in our collective policy and decision-making;
  • Operational solutions – what is being tried, even if nascent and at testing stages, that might deserve close look and scale-up; and
  • Data Partnership – if and how countries can draw on the model to further their work with the private sector on data and its in-government use.


PART 2: Solutions – big and small








PART 3: Knowledge and policy  


The key concern at the UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab is connecting knowledge and data to policy on the ground. Part 3 talks about these issues in relation to data itself (i.e., data as an area of knowledge and of action):

  • Knowledge – what we know and what we lack in this area; and
  • Policy – what findings deserve increased attention when shaping the engagement of the public and the private sectors on data.


PART 3: Knowledge and policy








Have you seen?

  Data equity – there is no hiding

  Data as markets, talk (re)distribution

  Treat data like you treat infants – signals and empathy are key

  Invest in knowledge, use it to rebuild


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John Crowley is UNESCO's chief of research, policy and foresight. He is the author of 5 books and a further 100 academic articles and book chapters, mainly on political theory and comparative politics.


Holly Krambeck is Program Manager in the World Bank's Development Economics Data Group. She founded the Development Data Partnership, a partnership between international organizations and companies, created to facilitate the responsible use of third-party data in international development. 


Iulia Sevciuc is UNESCO’s lead on inclusive policies and the data-driven policy change. Prior to this appointment, Iulia worked with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Indonesia and Moldova. 


The facts, ideas and opinions expressed in this piece are those of the authors; they are not necessarily those of UNESCO or any of its partners and stakeholders and do not commit nor imply any responsibility thereof. The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout this piece do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. 











