Equitable recovery from COVID-19

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Gearoid Millar's picture
Short description: 
My name is Gearoid Millar, and I am a Professor of Sociology and Coordinator of both the MSc in Peace and Conflict Studies and the MSc in Policy Evaluation at the University of Aberdeen in the UK. My research uses an Ethnographic Peace Research approach to examine local experiences of international interventions for peace, justice, and development. I have published research analysing the complex and unpredictable interactions (characterised by Hybridity and Friction) between international peacebuilding interventions and local communities and individuals who experience those interventions.
Aurelie Charles's picture
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An economist and Associate Professor in Global Sustainability with particular expertise on group behaviour in socio-ecological interactions. Research interests relate to the understanding and measurement of herd-behaviour and social norms, their impact on individual decision-making, well-being and resource entitlements. Her current research projects evolve around sustainable earnings, group inequality mapping, and cross-disciplinary approaches to climate justice.
Amal AlAmoudi's picture
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A strategic health care professional with significant experience working in multi-jurisdictional hospitals and health regulatory facilities. My interest is in health policy, and my focus is on postgraduate medical training, creating outcomes measurement and quality standards for all medical and non-medical training programs. Being that I am a KPI practitioner allowed me to understand the impact of training outcomes on patients' safety. I enjoy generating new ideas and devising feasible solutions to broadly relevant problems. My colleagues would describe me as a driven, resourceful individual who maintains a positive, proactive attitude when faced with adversity.
Dennis Petrie's picture
Short description: 
Dennis is an Associate Professor in the Centre for Health Economics, Monash University. He was previously a senior research fellow at the University of Melbourne and a Lecturer in Health Economics at the University of Dundee, UK. He has published extensively on the economics of illicit drugs and alcohol, economics of disability, economics of cancer, the longitudinal measurement and evaluation of health inequalities and has lead a large number of economic evaluations of healthcare interventions including alongside RCTs. He has consistently published in the top health economics journals, with multiple papers in the Journal of Health Economics (3), Health Economics (5) and Social Science & Medicine (5) and also high impact medical journals including BMJ, PLOS Medicine, Addiction (2), Diabetologia, Diabetes Care (2) and Epidemiology (2). He specialises in analysing large and complex data sets to improve health policy decisions.
Jordan Panayotov's picture
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Jordan is focused on Health Equity as premise for achieving Sustainable Population Health which is the ultimate indicator for Sustainable Development (SD). He points out that all policies have differential impacts on health of populations, which if not properly assessed and considered can lead to growing health inequalities, thus impede SD. He argues that inclusive policies should be a normative goal and Health in All Policies is the right approach for operationalizing policies and investments in all sectors.
Aran Martin's picture
Short description: 
Dr Aran Martin is a Research Fellow at the Melbourne School of Government and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Global Change, Peace and Security. From 2008-2014 he was a Project Manager with the Centre for Dialogue at La Trobe University. His research interests include international relations, conflict resolution, environmental politics and global civil society. Dr Martin is a member of the Australian Attorney General’s Department, Countering Violent Extremism Research Panel and the Victorian Department of Premier & Cabinet's Research Institute on Social Cohesion. His most recent project was a qualitative review commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the experience of Australian government personnel involved in conflict prevention, peacemaking and peacebuilding programming. Its aim was to derive lessons learnt for the Department to improve its capacity to work more effectively upstream to address the drivers of conflict and to develop new policy and programming tools for early action in response to emerging risks of conflict and instability.
Thaddeus Hwong's picture
Short description: 
I aspire to make creative use of our collective understanding of progressive taxation and public expenditures to argue for redistributive design in public policy responses to challenges arising from income and wealth inequalities. As my very modest attempt to make a contribution to public discourse in this age of disinformation, I explore the battle of ideas policy advocates wage on the costs and benefits of progressive taxation and public expenditures, the political commitment people are willing to make to level the playing field between the Haves and Have-nots and the policy options citizens can consider to hold the plutocrats, the oligarchs and the rest of the power elite accountable to democratic ideals.
Licia Cianetti's picture
Short description: 
Licia Cianetti is a researcher studying democracy in ethnocultural diverse and divided societies. She is the author of "The Quality of Divided Democracies: Minority Inclusion, Exclusion, and Representation in the New Europe" (University of Michigan Press, 2019) and co-editor of "Rethinking 'Democratic Backsliding' in Central and Eastern Europe" (Routledge, 2019). She is currently working on the research project "What Happened to the Multicultural City? Effects of Austerity and Nativism", funded by the Leverhulme Trust: www.multiculturalcities.com. She has a regional expertise in Eastern Europe and works on urban policies of inclusion and city-to-city policy exchange networks.
Carlos Eduardo Morreo's picture
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Executive Officer, Institute of Postcolonial Studies, Melbourne - Australia Associate Editor, Alternatives: global, local, political (published in collaboration with Sage) Managing Editor, Bandung: Journal of the Global South
Thamsanqa Robert Ncube's picture
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QUALITY PHYSICAL EDUCATION POLICY SOUTH AFRICA https://en.unesco.org/.../unesco-quality-physical-education-policy-project-south-africa The UNESCO Quality Project Physical Education Policy Projec t - South Africa (QPE-SA) E-team platform is an online micro environment that...Labeled Education.

