Equitable recovery from COVID-19

Public E-team


H. B. Adé Olaiya's picture
Short description: 
This project critically evaluates achievement of IDPAD 2015-24 thematic objectives of recognition, justice and development, in accordance with the ICERD 1965, and the DDPA 2001. Knowledge for understanding and critical evaluation, that advocates inclusive, dynamic, and holistic implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2063 can be created from this data. E.g. critical analysis of the three pillars of sustainability, highlights pervasive systemic racism, structural violence, and social injustice obstructs our access to universal human rights.
Holger Apel's picture
Short description: 
Part of the GIZ's Poverty and Inequality Team with expertise in inequality reducing policies, 2030 Agenda and integrated approaches to development.

