Equitable recovery from COVID-19

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Daniel Holod's picture

Another interesting tracker. Raj Chetty and his team at Opportunity Insights have gained media attention for their live tracker on economic inequalities caused by COVID-19 in the USA.

Daniel Holod 28 Sep 2020
Daniel Holod's picture

The World Bank (led by Gentilini et al.) has recently updated their live paper compiling and synthesizing countries' measures to social protection and job responses during COVID-19. Cash transfers continue to be the dominant approach for social safety net measures.

A Real-Time Review of Country Measures

The paper is updated roughly every month. 

Daniel Holod 28 Sep 2020
Inclusive Policy Lab's picture

How have women fallen through the cracks and what is the place of gender in recovery policies?

Inclusive Policy Lab 21 Sep 2020
Inclusive Policy Lab's picture

How do gaps in social protection need fixing to counter the immediate effects of the crisis, as well as to set countries on a more inclusive pattern in the long run?

Inclusive Policy Lab 21 Sep 2020
Shreya Arora's picture

This tracker is a repository of research on the COVID-19 and the coronavirus family of viruses, with the aim of mobilising researchers and generating new insights.
It can be accessed here:
The dataset records around 130,000 scholarly articles, and is s updated regularly as new research is published. 

Shreya Arora 04 Sep 2020
Inclusive Policy Lab's picture

Which are some of the vulnerable groups in the COVID-19  pandemic and its aftermath?
Which are the different forms of inequality of concern at this time?
Please feel encouraged to use knowledge and examples from across regions, countries ans sectors.

Inclusive Policy Lab 09 Jun 2020
Inclusive Policy Lab's picture

There has been support of UBI as a critical measure to COVID-19 recovery. 
Do you think it could be a key policy response?
Could this be a solution only for economies that are more fit and could carry the load fiscal now, or as a universal solution for the North and the South? 

Inclusive Policy Lab 09 Jun 2020
Inclusive Policy Lab's picture

What are some of the key and concrete policy measures that could be required for an equitable and inclusive recovery?

Inclusive Policy Lab 09 Jun 2020
