User directory


Elish Kelly's picture
Short description: 
Elish Kelly joined the Economic and Social Research Institute as a Post Doctoral Fellow in September 2006, and is currently a Senior Research Officer in the Economic Analysis Division. She received her Bachelor and Doctorate degrees in Economics from Trinity College Dublin. Her main research interest is in labour economics, with a particular focus on unemployment and active labour market programmes, migration, and wages and pay bargaining institutions. Elish has also undertaken research on equality and on education issues, along with participation in sport and physical activity.
Bishop Akolgo's picture
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Bishop Akolgo is an economist with a masters in economics, masters in International development and has just completed a doctorate in management in Governance in the Monarch Business school. My areas of speciality include poverty, inequality, spatial development, national budgets, fiscal policy, illicit financial flows, natural resource management, technology for development, social inclusion, social protection, macroeconomic modelling, project/programme M&E.
Emmanuel Nwosu's picture
Short description: 
I am a professor at the Department of Economics, the University of Nigeria Nsukka. I attended the University of Nigeria Nsukka where I obtained B.Sc., MSc and PhD degrees in Economics and also attended the University of Tsukuba Japan where I obtained a Master's degree in International Political Economy and Policy Management. I have worked over 15 years at the Department of Economics, University of Nigeria and outside the university including Policy Analyst at the Ministry of Finance, and Short term consultancies. I have won research grants and published widely in peer review journals.
Ahamed Faiz's picture
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Physical Educator, Chief Training Officer with Next Sports Education. Former Assistant Professor in Physical EducationAssistant Professor in Physical Education. University of Calicut
Jeana Kriewaldt's picture
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Dr Jeana Kriewaldt (BEd, MEd, PhD) is Associate Professor at the Melbourne Graduate School for Education, University of Melbourne. Jeana began her career as a geography teacher before moving into teacher education. Her research spans geography and sustainability education policy and practice, and the related fields of professional knowledge, curriculum theory, and education policy. Jeana was a chief investigator a project that developed geography teaching standards. In the past decade she has expanded her research to bring distinctive knowledge and insights in teacher professional development
Stuart Johnson's picture
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B.A. The George Washington University, Political Communication & Economics M.A. The American University of Paris, Diplomacy & International Law Project Coordinator, International Chamber of Commerce Online Contributor, The World Affairs Council of New Hampshire
Gunes Asik's picture
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Assistant Prof. of Economics. Labor economics, development economics
Tonny Odokonyero's picture
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Tonny Odokonyero is an economist with extensive experience in economic policy analysis and research. His research interest covers; microeconometric analysis, development economics, impact evaluation, economic evaluation, and health economics. He worked as a Research Fellow at the Economic Policy Research Centre, and also practiced research and M&E at Baylor College of Medicine. He holds a Masters degree in economics (Makerere University), and Post-Graduate Diploma in Research – Econometrics (Maastricht University). Currently, he is a PhD (economics) candidate at the University of Pretoria.
Anders Hove's picture
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Anders Hove is Senior Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies China Programme. His focus is on China's low-carbon energy transition, specifically including renewable energy, electric power market reform, and sector coupling with electrified heating and EV charging.
Amos Nungu's picture
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Dr. Amos Muhunda Nungu is the Director General of COSTECH. Previously saved as assistant Director at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. He is also a Senior Lecturer at the Dar Es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT) in Dar es Salaam. While at DIT, also worked as Chief Executive Officer of the Tanzania Education and Research Network (TERNET) between 2012 and 2016. Amos holds a PhD in Telecommunication Systems and an MSc Information Technology both from the Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) and BSc in Computer Science from UDSM, Tanzania.

