User directory


Juliana Sofía Riaño Sánchez's picture
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Education policy analyst, specialized in higher education policy in Latin America. MSc in Comparative Education and International Development from the University of Edinburgh.
Chizoba Oranu's picture
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I am a lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Economics as well as a researcher in Resource and Environmental Policy Research Centre (EfD, Nigeria), University of Nigeria, Nsukka. My research interest are Environment and development economics
Papa Sow's picture
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Papa Sow is a senior researcher interested in African social science studies, with special focus on Migration, Demography, Climate Change, Biodiversity and the anthropology of the body.
Elizabeth Soer's picture
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I am a doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies. I am originally from South Africa, where I completed my undergraduate and masters degrees in international relations, political science and history. I have also worked with gender justice NGOs on the relationship between gender and climate justice in Southern Africa.
Jimmyn PARC's picture
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Jimmyn Parc is an associate professor at the University of Malaya, Malaysia. His current research focuses on cultural industries in Asia and Europe, which includes films, dramas, and music which are at critical juncture in the midst of a changing business and trade environment as well as new challenges in the form of digitization. He is also the co-author of The Untold Story of the Korean Film Industry: A Global Business and Economic Perspective, which was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2021.
Sakib Amin's picture
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Dr. Sakib Bin Amin is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics, and the Director of the Accreditation Project Team (APT) at North South University, Bangladesh. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Durham University (UK). Dr. Sakib also worked as a visiting Commonwealth Rutherford Fellow at Durham University Business School (UK). He also holds a masters’ degree in International Economics from the University of Essex (UK). He is the first Bangladeshi modeler to develop an energy-focused dynamic model relevant to the Bangladesh energy sector.
Udip Pran Das's picture
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Udip is a postgraduate student at IIT Bombay, pursuing his Master's in Public Policy and Administration. He is passionate about climate change and the study of the impacts of urbanization on natural ecosystems through a policy perspective and has developed an affinitive liking towards complex anthropological interventions. Currently, he is working on climate change governance in the Sundarbans region, utilizing a Living Lab approach. His research aims to address issues of climate resilience and socially inclusive solutions.
Anastasios Dosis's picture
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Anastasios is Associate Professor of Economics at ESSEC Business (France). He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Warwick. Anastasios does research in the Economics of Information (i.e., how information asymmetries among market participants affect market outcomes). Some recent research topics include who should own online-generated data, how open banking affects market outcomes and welfare or how market segmentation affects the incentives of market participants.
Raymond Lau's picture
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Assistant Professor of Political Science vat North South University. PhD in Political Science from the University of Queensland, Australia.
Will Leggett's picture
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Associate Professor of Sociology Head of the Department of Social Policy, Sociology & Criminology (SPSC), School of Social Policy, University of Birmingham UK Education: DPhil (University of Sussex); MA (Distinction) (University of Essex); BA Hons (First Class) University of Warwick Research areas: political sociology; social theory; state-civil society; democratic governance; social movements; everyday political and democratic practices

