User directory


Julia Makayova's picture
Short description: 
Born and raised in Belarus and having lived in Norway before settling in the US, I have developed passion for interdisciplinary multisectoral problem solving to advance human development. Currently, I am exploring a range of cross-disciplinary methodologies and hands on skills to promote public health, socio-economic development and the rule of law. I am navigating synergies between public and private partnerships, building capacity to act with the tools of public policy, litigation, and social entrepreneurship.
Inès Boubaker's picture
Short description: 
Master Student from Sciences Po Paris, I am the president of the Human Development Research Initiative, a student-run think tank. Our ambition is to generate ideas and knowledge to inform policymaking processes, to create open spaces for debate and to channel intellectual resources for the monitoring and evaluation of public policy. HDRI Team comes from more than 30 countries, was trained in the world top universities. We aspire to become key actors in the policy arena of international development and to bring about change to advance a fair, joint and sustainable development for all.
Sanskruti Ghosalkar's picture
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UNEVOC Network Secretariat
Maria José Freitas's picture
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I am a social scientist currently developing thoughts on the concept of 'inclusive society' and how welfare reform may lead to new/old forms of social inequality. I am interested in post-neoliberal language and the ideas it generates in contemporary society. My point of departure is the (potential) role of the social worker in contemporary society.
cathy xi cao's picture
Short description: 
Cathy Xi Cao is an International development professional specialised in policy analysis (topics range from Migration, South South and Triangular Cooperation, China's development cooperation, Belt and Road Initiative), project management, strategy and partnership development. Experience includes two assignments with UNDP and IFAD, and field work/frontline social work in NGOs across Hong Kong, Singapore, Greece, and France. She was a scholar of Erasmus Mundus MA Advanced Development in Social Work (2015-2017), European Forum Alpbach (Austria) 2016 and Damasiswa Program (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) 2012. She received a Master of Social Science in Social Work degree in The Chinese University of Hong Kong(2010-2012) and a Bachelor of Management in Wuhan University of Science and Technology (2006-2010). She is passionate on forced migration, green social work, environmental justice, and sustainable development.
Oleksandr Kondrashov's picture
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Social Work Academic from Canada.
Paul Spicker's picture
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Professor Paul Spicker is a writer and commentator on social policy, covering issues of poverty, social protection and service delivery, and a Fellow of CROP. He is the author of 18 books, including Social Policy: Theory and Practice, The Welfare State and Arguments for Welfare. His website, An Introduction to Social Policy ( is widely used internationally.
Andrea Jansson's picture
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Researcher in public policy.
Miriam Landsman's picture
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I am an associate professor of social work and the Executive Director of the National Resource Center for Family Centered Practice at the University of Iowa in the United States. I conduct research on child welfare services and human services workforce issues. In the School of Social Work I teach courses in child welfare policy and practice (on-line), as well as research and organizational theory. I am happy to be a part of this network.
April K Ward's picture
Short description: 
Ms. Ward is a PhD Candidate researching Conflict Resolution, Imagined Futures, and Anticipation.

