User directory


Vesna Leskošek's picture
Short description: 
Working as a university lecturer and researcher, also involved in social movements and action groups. She was a practicing social worker in public social services where she worked in child protection and youth work. she publishes on the issues of gender (including VAW), poverty, social inequality and welfare state.
Danielle Levi's picture
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After a Bachelor in International Relations from the University Of Geneva and a year at the University of British Columbia, I am now in Tel Aviv doing a master in Conflict Resolution and Mediation from the University Of Tel Aviv. Living in one of the most politically contentious areas of the world, this master program enhanced my capability to analyze the current (social) psychological conditions that are so prevalent during an (intractable) conflict, from both sides. I am now doing a research on nationalism/tribalism mentality of the ingroup. I also worked a the Geneva Red Cross, as well as in Terre des Homme Suisse, an organization that aims at raising awareness among children of Switzerland of the difficult living conditions of less privileged children.
Barbara Santibanez's picture
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Lecturer at Université de Bordeaux, and Researcher at European Institute for Education and Social Policy - EIESP. Expertise in education policy issues, gender equity, citizenship and human rights education.
Natasha Constant's picture
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Dr Natasha Constant is a Research Associate at the Sustainable Places Research Institute at Cardiff University in the U.K. Natasha’s research interests focus on interdisciplinary work at the intersection between the biological and social sciences with a particular focus on the conservation of wildlife and natural resources in terrestrial environments. She was recently awarded a DST-NRF Fellowship from the National Research Foundation in South Africa to undertake pilot work to explore how indigenous and scientific knowledge systems can be integrated to inform the conservation of forest ecosystems and the sustainable development of rural communities in the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve in South Africa. The outcomes of my pilot work have identified future avenues for developing a larger-scale project in this region to understand how indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) can support more integrated forms of knowledge coproduction and sharing for land-use and ecological restoration planning and how this knowledge may be translated into decision-making. We hope to develop a participatory mapping methodology between indigenous people, researchers, and stakeholders to collect supportive ILK to assess plant and forest ecosystem health and restoration in Venda. The methodology will allow for different knowledge(s) to be acknowledged and captured using participatory mapping exercises and workshops, and for local and indigenous knowledge holders to set collective standards on the qualities of knowledge partnerships established to collaboratively understand and manage these issues. Incorporating ILK into land-use and restoration planning processes may support ecological restoration by allowing more accurate understanding of the application of ILK to enhance the resilience of ecosystems and human wellbeing. Natasha also has experience of community engagement and education related to forest and grassland ecosystems through her previous role as Research Associate in the RCUK funded Drought Risk and You (DRY Project) ( at the University of the West of England. Natasha’s PhD research at Durham University explored the social-ecological drivers influencing conflict between leopards and farming communities in the Blouberg Mountain Range of South Africa.
Leone Walters's picture
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Leoné is a Senior Research Officer at the University of Cape Town. She is an applied economist that combines insights from economics, political economy, and history. Her research aims to better understand the political economy and economic history of the tobacco and alcohol landscapes. She is interested in the dynamics between economic and political actors, and institutions within the tobacco and alcohol sectors, exploring their socio-economic consequences and how policy can address this. She holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Pretoria.
Fiona Nally's picture
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I am the coordinator for a drug and alcohol programme in a human rights organisation working for Roma and Travellers in Ireland
Nihal Dsouza's picture
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Apart from his background in international commercial law, Nihal is keenly interested and topics such as how international trade and investment agreements can help promote sustainability.
Giorgia Davidovic's picture
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Masters student in International Development at Sciences Po Paris, currently working as research coordinator at think tank Human Development Research Initiative (HDRI) while doing an internship at the NGO Positive Planet
Kate Moran's picture
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Incoming Master in International Development student at Sciences Po's Paris School of International Affairs, concentrating in human rights and Middle East studies. Interest and experience in civil society building and program design in conflict and fragile states; market inclusion for women and micro- and small enterprise owners; digital entrepreneurship; and youth-led initiatives to combat extremism.
Erna Koekkoek's picture
Short description: 
I am the international coordinator of the department of Health Care and Social Work at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Zwolle, The Netherlands. I lecture about policy and management in social work, train and supervise bachelor students in motivational interviewing, reflection and leadership.

