User directory


Himanshi Kumar's picture
Short description: 
I am a physical educator, working in a private school in india. I love teaching physical education and always ready to learn
Marcos Onofre's picture
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Marcos Onofre University of Lisbon Associate Professor Human Kinetics Faculty Department of Education, Social Sciences and Humanities Coordinator of the Laboratory of Pedagogy Coordinator of the Master On Teaching Physical Education Researcher in UIDEF, Education Institute Former president of the Portuguese Physical Education Society Vice-president of the European Physical Education Association Member of the Directors Board of the Higher Education Psychical Education Association
Gonzalo Rodriguez ZUbieta's picture
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Academic Director of MAgis , Center of Studies in social innovation for social Justice in Salta, Argentina. Running an incubator of social enterprises attacking causes of poverty , inequality and decent work following SDG Compass
María del Pilar Guzmán's picture
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Physical Education Teacher for more than 20 years and Track and fiel coach. Coordinator of the pedagogical-Technical area in Physical Education Direction in Puebla, México- Interested in physical literacy and the QPE implementation in México
Barbara Mouchaham's picture
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Enumerator/ Teacher Observation for InfoPro, a Lebanese research firm. Bachelor degree in Information Technology
Dr. Ajay Dutta's picture
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My self Dr. Ajay Dutta. I am Assistant Professor in Department of computer science and applications at Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, India. My research areas e-Governance, Social Media Marketing and open data application development.
UPCIDS .'s picture
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University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Development Studies. Held a UNESCO Project on Social Inclusion in 2017.
Joselito Fernández Tapia's picture
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Doctor en Ciencias Sociales, especialidad en Estudios Regionales
N. Arunotai's picture
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Researcher working on the issues of alternative development, indigenous peoples, joint management of natural resources, and creative tourism.
Dennis M. Njagi's picture
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Tutorial Fellow working on climate change in East Africa

