User directory


Lee Dunn's picture
Short description: 
I have 27 years of experience in education, spanning secondary school teaching, national policy development, industry and higher education. As the Head of the Scottish Digital Academy at The Scottish Government, I support 1,400 Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) professionals and develop digital skills and capability across the public sector.
Yasmin Afina's picture
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Yasmin Afina joined Chatham House as research assistant for the International Security programme in April 2019. Her research at Chatham House covers projects related to nuclear weapons systems, strategic weapons systems, emerging technologies including cyber and artificial intelligence, and international law. Yasmin is also a PhD Candidate at the University of Essex, examining the International Humanitarian Law considerations for the development of AI for military targeting operations. Yasmin has been awarded with the University's Humanities Doctoral Scholarship to cover her research in the 2019-2022 period. Yasmin formerly worked for the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)’s Security and Technology Programme, and the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA). In her previous capacities, Her research included international, regional and national cybersecurity policies, the international security implications of quantum computing, and algorithmic bias in autonomous technologies and law enforcement operations. Yasmin holds an LL.M. from the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, an LL.B. from the University of Essex, and a French Bachelor of Laws and Postgraduate degree (Maîtrise) in International Law from the Université Toulouse I Capitole. Yasmin holds Indonesian citizenship, and speaks fluent French, English and Indonesian.
Marjorie Buchser's picture
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Executive Director of Chatham House Digital Society Initiative /Technology Governance and Innovation policy expert. Formerly Associate Director with World Economic Forum and Senior Strategist with
Gwilym David Blunt's picture
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I am Lecturer in International Politics at City, University of London. My area of research is global distributive justice and global ethics in general. My first book, Global Poverty, Injustice, and Resistance was published recently by Cambridge University Press. My work has appeared in journals such as Politics, International Theory, Human Rights Quarterly, among others. I have written for popular publications like Aeon and The Conversation.
Anastasia Nesvetailova's picture
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Professor of International Political Economy, author
Ronen Palan's picture
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Professor of International Political Economy, City, University of London. Specialist in offshore finance, tax havens and corporate tax
Faisal Shaheen's picture
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My 25 years of experience includes policy development, program implementation, governance, project management, business development, marketing strategy, systems monitoring and solution deployment within the environmental technology and public policy sectors. My project portfolio has employed market research, project/contract management, econometrics, value chain analysis, accountability mechanisms, best practices and transparency based instruments; to better serve the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability objectives of organizational strategy. I currently serve as a Visiting Fellow with Islamabad’s Sustainable Development Policy Institute, where I strive to facilitate north south knowledge transfer between civil and civic service actors and research on issues related to sustainable development, political economy, administrative development and municipal governance and utility management. My interests at present are focussed on the intersection between the informal sector and sustainable urban development at Ryerson’s Faculty of Politics and Public Administration, as a Lecturer and Researcher. Faisal is an alumnus of Ryerson University (Masters in Public Policy and Administration), York University (MBA in Business and Environment) and the University of Toronto (Honors Baccalaureate in Biology and Environmental Science).
Sanjay Ruparelia's picture
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I hold the inaugural Jarislowsky Democracy Chair at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. My research examines the politics of democracy, inequality and development in India vis-a-vis its comparators in the global South.
Lisa Schwartz's picture
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Arnold L Johnson Chair in Health Care Ethics, professor, ethics scholar, co-lead of Humanitarian Health Ethics
Jodie Adams Kirshner's picture
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Research professor at New York University focused on issues of economic mobility. Formerly bankruptcy law professor at University of Cambridge. Author of books including Broke: Hardship and Resilience in a City of Broken Promises.

