User directory


Julia Rubio's picture
Short description: 
Julia Rubio is a Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science at Columbia University, with more than 8 years of experience in conducting research for academic institutions and consulting in the private and public sectors. Julia is passionate about conducting research using mix-methods approaches. She has done fieldwork in several countries (Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, and South Africa) and was trained in cutting-edge quantitative and qualitative methodological techniques. She is also experienced in data analysis, survey design and analysis, and research designs for causal inference. In her dissertation, she uses rigorous quantitative analyses to understand why women and minorities are underrepresented in democratic settings around the world (Latin America, US, and Australia).
Stanley Maphosa's picture
Short description: 
Dr Stanley Maphosa works in the science advise, science communication and science diplomacy field at the Academy of Science of South Africa seven years now. Before that, he worked for 12 years for an International NGO- World Vision in transformational development, disaster risk management and advocacy. He has been a monitoring and evaluation specialist and leadership development practitioner. His work with The World Academy of Science sub Saharan Africa Regional Partner (TWAS SAREP) and ASSAf covers national, regional, Pan African and global levels of science. He has a PhD in Social Sciences- Specialising in Youth Sociology-Youth Participation in Decision Making Processes from the University of Fort Hare.
Pablo Selaya's picture
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Associate Professor of Economics at University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Research areas: Development economics, political economy.
Christina Gravert's picture
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Christina is an Assistant Professor in Behavioral Economics at the University of Copenhagen. She has been researching decision-making for over 10 years, collaborating with local and national governments, non-profits, and private companies to run large-scale RCTs; and publishing her work in top academic and policy journals. She is an elected board member of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Science. At the university, she teaches the Master's level courses "Science of Behavior Change" and "Field Experiments". Christina is a keynote speaker and workshop leader on nudging for behavior change, and has trained hundreds of executives who implement her method to change behavior.
judith teichman's picture
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Judith Teichman, is Professor of Political Science and International Development and a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Her research is on the politics of development, with a focus on economic and social policy. She is the author of five books, the co-author of one book, and author of over 40 articles on politics and development in the Global South and in Latin America. Her most recent book is The Politics of Inclusive Development. Policy, State Capacity and Coalition Building (2016).
Nina Buchmann's picture
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I am a PhD candidate in Economics at Stanford University. My areas of interest include development economics and behavioral economics. I am particularly interested in issues related to gender, sexual assault, and domestic violence. Website:
Emily Breza's picture
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I am an Associate Professor of Economics at Harvard University. I work on social networks, finance, and labor markets in developing countries. Most of my work has focused on South Asia.
Magdalena Blanco's picture
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PhD Economics student
Ines Vilela's picture
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Lecturer in Economics at Royal Holloway, University of London. I work on Development Economics with a focus on Political Economy and Social Networks. Currently, I am working on civil conflict in the north of Mozambique. This is a setting of low-quality institutions, rich in natural resources and facing a recent wave of religious extremism.
Donald Kingsbury's picture
Short description: 
My research focuses on resource extraction, (alternatives to) development, energy transitions, and political ecology in Latin America. I am the co-founder of the Post/Extractivisms Working Group, an interdisciplinary network of scholars and activists that focuses on the effects of resource extraction on development trajectories, human rights, landscapes, livelihoods, and imaginaries. I've coordinated student experiential learning expeditions in Ecuador examining failed attempts at supply side decarbonization and am currently at work on a larger project examining the extractive frontiers of green energy supply chains. This later work focuses on lithium mining in Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile while also drawing linkages to mining, finance, and technology sectors in Canada. I am currently Assistant Professor (teaching stream) in Political Science at the University of Toronto and Vice President of the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Recent publications of potential interest include: _Populist Moments and Extractivist States in Venezuela and Ecuador: The People’s Oil?_ with Teresa Kramarz. 2021, Palgrave. “Combined and Uneven Energy Transitions: Reactive Decarbonization in Cuba and Venezuela” (2020) Journal of Political Ecology 27: 558-579 “On PetroCaribe: Petropolitics, Energopower, and Post-Neoliberal Development in the Caribbean Energy Region” with Gustav Cedarlöf (2019) Political Geography 72: 124-133. “Populism or Petrostate?: The Afterlives of the Yasuní-ITT Initiative in Ecuador” with Teresa Kramarz and Kyle Jacques (2018) Society and Natural Resources 32(5): 530-547.

