User directory


Craig Volden's picture
Short description: 
Craig Volden is a Co-Director of the Center for Effective Lawmaking. He is a Professor of Public Policy and Politics at the University of Virginia, with appointments in the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy and the Woodrow Wilson Department of Politics. He studies legislative politics and the interaction among political institutions, with a focus on what policy choices arise from legislative-executive relations and from American federalism.
Jennifer Robson's picture
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Dr. Jennifer Robson is an Associate Professor of Political Management at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. Her research includes studies of wealth distribution, poverty, financial capability and the design of public programs including tax and transfer systems, parental leave and childcare. A late-comer to academia, Dr. Robson spent 15 years working in government and the voluntary sector.
Gareth Dale's picture
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I teach politics/political economy at Brunel University (London). Research interests: climate/environment; growth paradigm; social movements; revolutions.
Nikita Grabher-Meyer's picture
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I’m a PhD candidate in Behavioral and Experimental Economics. Specifically, I’m interested in studying how harmful social norms or collective behaviours can develop, can become entrenched in a society and most importantly, can be altered through behaviourally informed policy interventions.
Kendall Jimenez's picture
Short description: 
Program Consultant with UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab since July 2021. MA of International Affairs, specializing in Diplomacy and Law from American University of Paris. Expertise in social and legal advocacy for women, including former Sustainability Consultant with ADECOM, a Dhalit women's aid group, in Pondicherry, India. Previously served in Civil Division of the Alaska state courts, and with the Elections Division in California before that. Additionally, taught English in Thailand, and fundraised for the "STOP" group in California, a human trafficking education and safehouse organization. Thesis, published on ProQuest, was on justice analysis for victims of armed conflict sexual violence.
Sarah Bowen's picture
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I am a PhD student in Behavioural Economics with experience working on medicines adherence within community pharmacy and blood donation for the NHSBT. I completed a 3 month internship with Public Health England’s Behavioural Insight Team where I worked on policy challenges, collected evidence, and evaluated the effectiveness of Behavioural interventions. I also produce and host the Questioning Behaviour podcast where we invite Behavioural science practitioners and knowledge creators to discuss their work and experience of the field.
Alexander Mihailov's picture
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I am a broadly-minded political/international macroeconomist with both theoretical (and computational) and empirical (and policy-oriented) research. My ongoing work extends into the interactions of macroeconomic and public policy with housing, intergenerational climate justice, moral philosophy and political theory, bounded rationality, behavioural finance, information and learning, Bayesian estimation, central bank reaction functions, institution design for monetary and fiscal policy, beliefs and values embodied in culture, evolving institutions and long-run socio-economic dynamics. I have developed an ambitious and promising current portfolio of research projects, and I am motivated to contribute further along such lines, and in particular stressing on the links of economics with philosophy and public policy, as well as interdisciplinarity and engagement with policymakers and the other social – and natural – sciences.
Soumya Mishra's picture
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Recent DPhil graduate in International Development, Oxford with interests in the role of social norms, SEZs, employment relations, migration and urbanization in developing countries
Megan O'Mahony's picture
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Megan (she/her) is a PhD candidate in the Department of International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Her project is a Collaborative Doctoral Partnership with Imperial War Museums (IWM) and explores how narratives of sexual violence in conflict are reflected in museums and cultural spaces. More broadly, Megan is interested in the role of museums and memorialisation in shaping collective memory and in transitional justice processes. Previously, Megan has worked in the Learning department at London's Science Museum, and with the Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. She holds a BA in History from the University of Exeter and an MA in Museum Studies from University College London.
Anna Rogers's picture
Short description: 
Anna Rogers is a computational linguist working in the area of Natural Language Processing, in particular analysis of meaning representations used in deep learning-based systems. She is also active in NLP community as conference organizer and blogger, focusing on publication of negative results, deeper analysis of training and testing data, and consideration of long-term impact of NLP. Homepage:

