User directory


claudio Piani's picture
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I am a climatologist and currently a faculty member at the American University of Paris.
Lisa Cameron's picture
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I am a development economist whose research focuses on the Asian region, particularly Indonesia, elsewhere in Southeast Asia and China. My research uses the tools of micro-econometrics, experimental economics and randomised controlled trials to evaluate economic and social development policy and to understand human behaviour. I conduct field work and use large secondary data sets. I am interested in understanding economic disadvantage, marginalised groups, inequality and poverty.
Julian Culp's picture
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Julian Culp is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the American University of Paris. My main research and teaching interests are in ethics as well as in social and political philosophy. In social and political philosophy, I have been engaging with domestic and global theories of distributive, political and educational justice, as well as with theories of social development and progress. In ethics, I have contributed to debates in applied ethics and meta-ethics. In applied ethics, my main interests have been global ethics – especially development ethics and the ethics of international responsibility – as well as educational ethics – especially autonomy and citizenship education. My book publications include Global Justice and Development (Palgrave, 2014) and Democratic Education in a Globalized World (Routledge, 2019).
Stacey Chen's picture
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Stacey H. Chen is a Professor of Economics at UTokyo Public Policy and a Taiwanese citizen. Stacey's research focuses on labor AND development economics issues, with an emphasis on health and education. Before coming to Japan, she taught at the University of New York at Albany and the Royal Holloway University of London. In December 2019, Taiwan Economic Association awarded her study on sibling competition's impact on gender inequality within the family the Best Paper on Taiwan Economic Research.
Neil Shearing's picture
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Neil Shearing is Group Chief Economist at Capital Economics, the world's leading independent macroeconomic research companies. He has overall responsibility for managing the firm's economists and leading its research. He is also a director of the company. Neil is the first point of contact for many clients and presents regularly on the global economic and financial market outlook. He is a well-known voice within the investment community and has written articles in the Financial Times and a number of other newspapers, as well as appearing regularly on TV and radio. Neil joined Capital Economics from HM Treasury where he worked as an Economic Adviser in various areas, including fiscal policy and global economics. He holds degrees in Economics from the University of York and the University of London and is an Associate Fellow in the Global Economy programme at Chatham House.
Francesco Sarracino's picture
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senior economist at the national statistical office of Luxembourg (STATEC). Specialized on well-being studies with a focus on sustainable and inclusive economic growth. My studies lead me to argue for a shift from GDP as the preeminent measure of quality of life to well-being, and propose that societies should invest in the conditions for better social relations. Such a reorganization requires a new cultural movement, which I call neo-humanism.
Jie Yu's picture
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Senior Reseach Fellow on China at Chatham House, Royal Institute of International Affairs; Associate Research Fellow at LSE IDEAS
Mick Dumper's picture
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Professor of Middle East Politics, Exeter University, UK.
Afifah Rahman-Shepherd's picture
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Afifah is a Research Fellow at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, examining conflict of interest in the delivery and quality of private healthcare in Pakistan. Prior to joining the School, Afifah was a Research Associate at the Centre on Global Health Security, Chatham House, managing the health security portfolio. She has previously held positions at the Centre for Global Health and Education, Institut Pasteur, as a research intern; the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health in Singapore and the Asia Pacific Office of The Union Against TB and Lung Disease, both as a research intern; and the National University Health Systems in Singapore, as a Junior Research Assistant and Study Coordinator. Afifah is a Fellow of Salzburg Global Seminar, and holds a BSc in Biomedical Science from University College London and an MSc in the Control of Infectious Diseases from LSHTM.
Elena Gadjanova's picture
Short description: 
Assistant Professor in Politics, University of Exeter, UK

