User directory


Nihar Chhatiawala's picture
Short description: 
Policy Analysis PhD Student at Pardee RAND Graduate School | Assistant Policy Research at RAND Corporation I am an aspiring researcher of energy, environmental, and natural resource policy. I am trained in scientific due diligence, applied physics, econometrics, optimization, and text analysis. Primary Interests: - The projected costs and benefits faced by communities of advanced energy systems (offshore wind, hydrogen, decentralized grids) - Public transportation in auto-centric cities as viewed through the lenses of equity and industrial ecology - Wildlife conservation policy alternatives with emphases on rural communities and biodiversity Past Experiences: MS Physics & BS Engineering Physics from Case Western Reserve University Fellow at Great Lakes Energy Institute Technical Project Manager at Epic Systems Corporation
Aaron Clark-Ginsberg's picture
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Aaron Clark-Ginsberg (he/him) is a social scientist at the nonprofit, nonpartisan RAND Corporation, focused on improving the lives and resilience of communities. His published research is about hazard management, especially where it can affect humans and their communities. Clark-Ginsberg’s continuing research focus is on community resilience and disaster risk reduction, critical infrastructure, cybersecurity, risk governance, disasters, and cities.
Carin Tunaker's picture
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Dr Carin Tunaker (she/her) is a Social Anthropologist, specialising in homelessness. She does research in LGBTQ+ homelessness and intersectional disadvantages. Previous research has examined gender inequalities in higher education and she has also researched power and decision-making processes in local community settings. Dr Tunaker currently holds the position of Lecturer in Social Work at the University of Kent. Her continued and future work is to continue critiquing and queer-ing social policy in relation to poverty, homelessness and housing.
Yunzi He's picture
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I am a Lecturer in Economics at the University of Bristol. My research interests lie in the intersection of development economics and labour economics, and specifically on labour migration and child development.
Helena Laneuville Teixeira Garcia's picture
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I am a PhD student at Yale interested in studying public policy and political economics
Gaston Yalonetzky's picture
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I am interested in distributional analysis and economic development. Most of my work is on the measurement of poverty, inequality and social mobility. I have done consultancy work for governments and think-tanks in Brazil, Mexico and Peru, as well as international organisations like the ADB and ECLAC. I am faculty member of Leeds University Business School and Research associate at OPHI.
Andreas Hackl's picture
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I am Lecturer in Anthropology of Development at the School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh, and Director of the Research Cluster Digital Global Development. My most recent research investigated the impact of digital technology on the livelihoods of refugees and migrants. A collaboration with the International Labour Organization led to the publication of two ILO reports on decent work among youths and refugees in the internet economy. Alongside this applied work, I co-authored a recent journal article on the employment outcomes of coding schools for migrants in Berlin, investigated the relationship between migration and inequality in the journal World Development, and published widely on economic inequality, displacement, and political conflict with a focus on the Middle East. My current research agenda aims to enable a more inclusive and fair future of work in the global digital economy, with a particular focus on marginalized populations, such as refugees, and people in need of humanitarian assistance and development aid.
Ma Joepe Solosa's picture
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I am a professor teaching in the Philippines. Being exposed to the life of the rural in the northern Mindanao, I am applying the principles learnt in real life. I need the understanding between two ends.
Senay Sokullu's picture
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Assistant Professor of Economics at University of Bristol
Kerim Can Kavakli's picture
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Assistant professor of political science at Bocconi University.

