User directory


Wylie Bradford's picture
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Associate Professor, Economics, Macquarie University.
Lê Lĩnh's picture
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Từng là đại biểu Quốc hội, Phó Chủ nhiệm Uỷ ban khoa học công nghệ và môi trường, Phó tổng thư ký Quốc hội Từng là Viện trưởng Viện Nghiên cứu Đông Nam Á Hiện là Uỷ viên Hội đồng lý luận của Trung ương Đảng. Chuyên gia nghiên cứu và tư vấn chính sách về chính trị,kinh tế và khoa học công nghệ.
Nektarios Tavernarakis's picture
Short description: 
Nektarios Tavernarakis is the Chairman of the Board of Directors at the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas, Research Director at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, and Professor of Molecular Systems Biology at the Medical School of the University of Crete, in Heraklion, Greece. He is the Director of the Graduate Program on BioInformatics at the Medical School of the University of Crete, and is also heading the Neurogenetics and Ageing laboratory of IMBB. He is a corresponding member of the Academy of Athens, a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina), and Academia Europaea. He has also served as the Director of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. His research focuses on the molecular mechanisms of necrotic cell death and neurodegeneration, the interplay between cellular metabolism and ageing, the mechanisms of sensory transduction and integration by the nervous system, and the development of novel genetic tools for biomedical research. He has received several notable scientific prizes, including two ERC Advanced Investigator Grants, and an innovation-supporting ERC Proof of Concept Grant. He is also the recipient of the EMBO Young Investigator award, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel research award, the Bodossaki Foundation Scientific Prize for Medicine and Biology, the Empeirikeion Foundation Academic Excellence Prize, the BioMedical Research Award of the Academy of Athens, the Galien Scientific Research Award, and the Helmholtz International Fellow Award.
Omar Galarraga's picture
Short description: 
I am a health economist and health services researcher. My interests are in the areas of applied health and behavioral economics, with a special focus on HIV treatment and prevention, and health systems in low- and middle-income countries. A large portion of my research in health economics has concerned the impact of health reform and insurance expansion decisions. My research on health systems reform has led to publications evaluating the impact of social health insurance programs (such as Seguro Popular in Mexico, the National Hospital Insurance Fund in Kenya, and Medicaid in the U.S.) on various economic and health outcomes. I have also published research on the effects of conditional and unconditional cash transfers (and economic incentives) for health behavior change, including incentives to exercise as well as incentives to improve HIV prevention and treatment outcomes. Other papers have concerned rigorous impact evaluations published in both scientific and policy journals including econometric analysis applications as well as economic efficiency research (such as cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit and cost-utility modeling studies).
Samsun Knight's picture
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Economics researcher at Brown, focused on using new large datasets to build better foundations for theories of cities and agglomeration. I also work on improving assignment algorithms to better target intended recipients, with a focus on the developing world.
m m's picture
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Suzanne Bodevin's picture
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Faculty Member (PhD) in the Economics & Management Dept. at the American University of Paris. Professor - Sustainable Finance, graduate module and Corp. Finance and Int'l. Financial Markets (undergraduate courses).
Ninni Gustavsen's picture
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I am a government official within the Danish Business Authority, Ministry of Industry, Business, and Financial Affairs. I work on Privacy and ethical use of data. My main focus is on privacy from a business perspective as well as data ethics
Jasmin Bhawra's picture
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I am a multidisciplinary researcher and program evaluator using mixed methods approaches to manage, plan, and evaluate health programs and policies. My research focuses on historically disenfranchised populations and takes an equity lens in developing community-led solutions for food security, food sovereignty, active living, and mental wellness in the Canadian north.
David Castle's picture
Short description: 
Dr. David Castle is a Professor in the School of Public Administration and the Gustavson School of Business at the University of Victoria and a Research in Residence at the Office of the Chief Science Advisor to the Prime Minister of Canada. His research is focused on science, technology and innovation policy, with a particular emphasis on regulation, standards, intellectual property and public consultation associated with life science innovation.

