User directory


King Carl Tornam Duho's picture
Short description: 
King Carl Tornam Duho, ACMA CGMA is a finance and economic professional with many years of experience in the private sector, academia and public policy. He is a Chartered Accountant and a Youth Fellow with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He was an ex-UNCTAD intern and has consulted for UNICEF, GIZ, AERC, and Oxfam, among others. King has written extensively on the financial services sector, the cocoa sector, the extractives industry, the stock market, climate change and other wider economic issues. He is a Technical Advisor for Dataking Research Lab. King is a Senior Fellow with the VIT Centre for (TVET) Policy and Education. He holds Bachelor of Science and Master of Philosophy degrees in accounting. He published more than 40 articles including over 15 in peer-reviewed journals including the International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, Journal of Financial Crime, International Journal of Managerial Finance, and Journal of Economic Studies.
Francis Jakpor's picture
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I am a communications specialist based in Abuja, Nigeria, with the Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG) is a private sector-led think-tank and policy advocacy group based in Nigeria. The NESG promotes sustainable growth and the development of the Nigerian economy. It is a non profit, non-partisan and apolitical organization.
Bo Allesøe Christensen's picture
Short description: 
My name Is Bo, I am an associate professor at Aalborg University, Denmark, in the Department of Communication and Psychology. I have a strong interest in the Capability Approach of Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum, and the applications of it in different fields. Furthermore, I try to combine it with the social psychological framework and method of positioning theory - a discursive psychological theory combining a microsociological focus (influenced by Erwin Goffman and Harold Garfinkel) on people's concrete interactions with an acute sense of the conceptual discriminations drawn upon in these interactions.
Lucy Michael's picture
Short description: 
Dr Lucy Michael is a sociologist in practice and consultant on equality and integration issues. Her work particularly addresses racist discrimination and violence, experiences of victims, and the roles of statutory institutions and civil society in combating hate crime and exclusion. She is author (with Bryan Fanning) of Immigrants as Outsiders in the Two Irelands (MUP, 2019), and (with Samantha Schulz) of Unsettling Whiteness (Brill, 2019). She is also a Commission Member on the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission. Dr Michael has conducted research with a wide range of public and private sector bodies including the International Organisation for Migration, UK Home Office and European Network Against Racism. She is co-author with INAR of the racist incident reporting system used to map racism in Ireland. She holds a Bachelor of Civil Law degree from University College Dublin, and MA in Criminology and Research Methods and PhD from Keele University. She previously held lecturing posts at Ulster University and University of Hull, and is a former President of the Sociological Association of Ireland.
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Thomas Gille­spie is Pro­fes­sor of En­vi­ron­men­tal Sci­ences and En­vi­ron­men­tal Health at Emory Uni­ver­si­ty. His research examines the interface of biodiversity and health using a mixed-methods approach to understand disease dynamics and guide policies that protect human and wildlife health, while simultaneously promoting the sustainability of ecosystems. He co-di­rects the Gombe One Health Hub in Tan­za­nia in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Jane Goodall In­sti­tute and serves as Di­rec­tor of In­fec­tious Dis­ease Re­search at Cen­tre Val­bio in Mada­gas­car. He is an ex­ter­nal ex­pert to the UN High Lev­el Po­lit­i­cal Fo­rum on Sus­tain­able De­vel­op­ment, a mem­ber of the IUCN/SSC, and a Na­tion­al Ge­o­graph­ic Ex­plor­er.
Elizabeth McClintock's picture
Short description: 
Liz McClintock, Ph.D. is Executive Director of the Bridgeway Group. Liz has over 25 years of experience offering consulting services to and designing and implementing negotiation, conflict management, and leadership training programs for both public and private sector organizations around the world. Liz’s work is focused on conflict and post-conflict environments, with both public and private sector organizations.In her work, Liz has advised the US government and various United Nations units, including the Office of the Special Adviser of the Secretary General to Burundi, on preparation for and conduct of negotiation and dialogue processes. Liz has supervised multi-year projects in Burundi, Timor-Leste and Liberia. She currently manages a multi-country capacity building program for the World Health Organization, helping member states to manage multisectoral collaboration efforts more effectively to combat antimicrobial resistance. Past work with WHO has resulted in a series of publications, including the book Negotiating Public Health in a Globalized World: Global Health Diplomacy in Action, with co-authors, D. Fairman, D. Chigas, and N. Drager (Springer 2012) Liz is an Adjunct Lecturer at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, D.C and an Adjunct Assistant Professor of International Negotiations at The Fletcher School (Tufts University). Liz earned an A.B. at Dartmouth College and received an MALD and a Ph.D. from the Fletcher School at Tufts University. She is a proud Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Morocco).
Raphael Heffron's picture
Short description: 
Professor Raphael Heffron is Professor in Energy Justice and the Social Contract. In 2020, he was appointed as Senior Counsel at Janson law firm in Brussels (Belgium). Professor Heffron is a qualified Barrister-at-Law, and a graduate of both Oxford (MSc) and Cambridge (MPhil & PhD). His work all has a principal focus on achieving a sustainable and just transition to a low-carbon economy. He has published over 180 publications of different types, is the most cited scholar in his field worldwide (2600+Scopus) and has given just over 180 keynotes or guest lectures in 51 countries worldwide.
Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld's picture
Short description: 
Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld is professor in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Learning and Design, Aalborg University. Ph.D. from Roskilde University and former Dean, The Faculty of Humanities, Aalborg University (AAU). Main field of research is networked learning, human-centered design, implementation of ICT and learning in organisations, and ICT for development. Currently, she is engaged in research capacity development projects in Northern Uganda on Transforming Education, and on Green Charcoal Inclusive Innovation. Has authored and co-authored several books, papers, articles, and reports. Please have a look at L., Hodgson, V., & McConnell, D. (Eds.) (2012). Exploring the Theory, Pedagogy and Practice of Networked Learning. New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 318 p.
Sevin Yeltekin's picture
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Dean of Simon Business School. University of Rochester Professor of Economics and Business
Maurizio Teli's picture
Short description: 
Maurizio Teli is Associate Professor in the Department of Planning at the University of Aalborg, Denmark. He holds a PhD in Sociology and Social Research and has always worked in interdisciplinary contexts focusing on the political dimensions of the production and use of digital technologies. With an ethnographic sensibility, he engages in and contributes to the participatory design of digital technologies. He has worked in or coordinated a few EU funded projects, for example the PIE News/Commonfare H2020 project and as part of the Grassroots Radio project. Now, he is Chair of the Centre for Sustainable and Digital Transformation at the TECH Faculty of IT and Design at Aalborg University.

