Expert and fellow directory


Barbara Prainsack's picture
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Barbara Prainsack is a professor at the Department of Political Science at the University Vienna, where she also directs the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Solidarity (CeSCoS), and the interdisciplinary Research Platform Governance of Digital Practices. Her work explores the social, ethical, and regulatory dimensions of genetic and data-driven practices and technologies. Barbara is also a member of the Austrian National Bioethics Commission, and as Chair of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies which advises the European Commission.
Gizem Erdem's picture
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I am an associate professor of psychology at Koç University, Istanbul. I was a post-doc researcher at the University of Illinois at Chicago in Public Health in 2014. I completed my Ph.D. in the Department of Human Development and Family Science at the Ohio State University and my B.A. in Psychology at Bogazici University. My research interests are positive youth development, youth mental well-being and close relationships with peers, parents, and natural mentors. I also develop and implement evidence-based programs targeting at-risk youth to reduce delinquency and substance use.
Pobsook Chamchong's picture
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Pobsook Chamchong is Assistant Professor and Deputy Director at the School of Public Policy, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. She obtained her PhD in Local Government and Public Policy from the Institute of Local Government Studies, University of Birmingham, UK. Her research interests include policy innovation, policy entrepreneurship, collaborative governance, inclusive policy design, city innovation, and foresight. She has published papers in journals such as Journal of Asian Public Policy, Journal of Critical Policy Studies, Policy Studies, and Journal of Housing and the Built Environment.
Sarah-Jane Fenton's picture
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Dr Sarah-Jane Fenton is a Lecturer in Mental Health Policy at the University of Birmingham Institute for Mental Health (IMH). The IMH is an interdisciplinary research centre with a specific youth mental health focus that will deliver high quality internationally relevant research to inform and impact upon public policy and practice and improve the care and outcomes for people experiencing problems with their mental health. Sarah-Jane has particular expertise in youth, adolescence, mental health, health policy, realist and qualitative research.
Ingrida Kerusauskaite-Palmer's picture
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Spanning a range of private, academic and non-profit sector roles, Ingrida has worked with government agencies, judiciary, law enforcement, private sector and NGOs to counter corruption, increase integrity in public and private sectors, and improve approaches to irregular migration. She continues to lecture at the University of Cambridge, Centre for Development Studies. She is currently researching potential risks to community cohesion between refugees and host communities in Central Europe as well as proportionality of regulation of cross-border private philanthropic flows.
Rosie Collington's picture
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Rosie Collington is a PhD candidate at UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP). She is a Coordinator of the Economics of Innovation Working Group with the Institute for New Economic Thinking’s Young Scholars Initiative. She has also worked on a freelance basis with a number of think tanks and advocacy groups, and has written for public audiences in The Guardian, The New Statesman, openDemocracy and elsewhere. Political economist and writer, exploring public sector reform, outsourcing, climate governance, and the political economy of the state.
Marina Calvo's picture
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Anthropologist (PhD) and psychologist, Master degree in international cooperation and development. Working as a consultant and researcher on social and cultural policies, monitoring and evaluation for UNESCO and other international organizations.
Curt Hagquist's picture
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Curt Hagquist is Guest Professor of Public Health at the Department of Education and Special Education, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. His areas of expertise include adolescent mental health, social epidemiology, Rasch measurement and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people’s mental health. As the chair of the international methodology development group of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study, he collaborates with researchers across Europe. Hagquist is a member of the WHO Technical Advisory Group on the mental health impacts of COVID-19 in the WHO European Region.
Diego Galego's picture
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Dr Diego Galego is a Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Puebla campus. He is also a research member of the Public Governance Institute (IO-KU Leuven, Belgium), the Portuguese Political Science Association (APCP) and the International Public Policy Association (IPPA). Diego is a doctor in Social Science from KU Leuven, Belgium and Public Policies from the University of Aveiro, Portugal. He specialises in uncovering the impact of social movements on policymaking. Check his new book “Queering Public Policy”.
David Givens's picture
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Dr. Givens is a faculty-level instructor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health. He has over a decade of experience working in HIV Planning and community engagement in one of the largest and most diverse health jurisdictions in the United States. He's an author on several national and international publications addressing HIV and health policy and health disparities often associated with HIV risk. He has led statewide engagement efforts and provided TA to impacted communities in multiple states, supporting the publication of several Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans.

