Expert and fellow directory


Debapriya Chakrabarti's picture
Short description: 
My research expertise is in informal practices, livelihoods, the human-infrastructure interface and sustainable urban transitions, focusing on marginalised communities in the Global South. I am currently a Research Associate working on understanding the role and implications of Innovation Districts in city regions and beyond. I have previously been an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow in the University of Manchester. My research focused on the role of infrastructure in (trans)forming practices of idol-making in an inner-city neighbourhood of Kolkata.
Patanjali Mishra's picture
Short description: 
Patanjali Mishra is an M.A. in English Literature from the University of Allahabad, B.Ed., M.Ed., Education from Banaras Hindu University and M.A. in Psychology and Sociology.He has developed MOOCS for Central University Punjab, IGNOU and NIOS and developed S.L.M. for various Open universities. Previously, he has worked with Vardhman Mahaveer Open University as Assistant Professor and at Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh as Associate Professor.Presently , he is working as Associate Professor at Department of Education, University of Allahabad.
Kateryna Kovtoniuk's picture
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Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Associate Professor of the International Economics Department, Ph.D. in Economics, 18 years of work experience. Research areas: inclusive education, inclusive university climate, digital economy, economic and financial integration.
Juhi Gupta's picture
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I am an academic with 12 years of teaching experience. I teach women's studies to undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students. I have authored a number of books and articles on women's issues in India. I am also an honorary fellow at the University of Birmingham.
Ghulam Hussain's picture
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Assistant Professor, Applied Anthropology, Bahria University Isamabad
Zimkhitha Manyana's picture
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As an international relations lecturer at the University of Witwatersrand, a founding member of the 4IR Digital Policy Research Unit (4DPRU), and assistant editor of the Digital Policy Studies journal at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), I am well-versed in the complexities of emerging technologies and their impact on national and global governance. My expertise in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) has led me to focus my research on the monitoring and evaluation of parliamentary participatory mechanisms, with the aim of enhancing current participation paradigms through the
Sagar Chourasia's picture
Short description: 
Sagar K. Chourasia, is an associate fellow at the Centre for Economy and Growth at ORF and will be working as a G20 Leaders’ Fellow at the ORF (T20 secretariat) during India’s Presidency at the G20 in 2023. His research focuses on international relations, global supply chains, international trade, SDGs, emerging and critical technology – and its aspects with relations to bilateral, pluri-lateral, and multilateral engagements. Further, he focuses on providing key strategic insights into transnational corporations operating in the Asia-Pacific region.
Caio de Araujo's picture
Short description: 
Caio Simões de Araújo is the Research Officer at the Other Foundation, an African trust that advances equality and freedom in southern Africa with a particular focus on sexual orientation and gender identity. He holds a PhD from the Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies (Geneva, Switzerland) and a MA from the Central European University (Budapest, Hungary). He is also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Humanities Research, of the University of the Western Cape (Cape Town, South Africa).
Mel Ainscow's picture
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Mel Ainscow is Emeritus Professor, University of Manchester, Professor of Education, University of Glasgow, and Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology. A long-term consultant to UNESCO, he is internationally recognized as an authority on the promotion of inclusion and equity in education. He has recently completed collaborative research projects with networks of schools in Australia, Chile, Uruguay and five European countries. Examples of his writing can be found in: ‘Struggles for equity in education: the selected works of Mel Ainscow’ (Routledge)
Justice Moses Kwaku Aheto's picture
Short description: 
a Senior Lecturer of Biostatistics at the University of Ghana (UG) and Research Fellow at the WorldPop, University of Southampton with expertise in the development and application of novel Statistical/Biostatistical and Epidemiological methods underpinned by mathematical modelling for investigating population health outcomes with focus on developing countries leveraging big data. Justice gained HND and BSc in Statistics both from Ghana, MSc Statistics with Applications in Medicine at the University of Southampton and a PhD Statistics & Epidemiology from Lancaster University, both from UK.

