Expert and fellow directory


Athur Mabiso's picture
Short description: 
Athur Mabiso is Senior Technical Specialist (Economist) at the Research and Impact Division (RIA) of IFAD. He works on impact assessments of IFAD projects and conducts research on a variety of topics in development economics. Mabiso has extensive research experience in the areas of agricultural policy, rural investments, food security, health and nutrition. Prior to joining IFAD in 2018, Mabiso worked at the International Food Policy Research Institute, conducting research and engaging with policymakers and development partners in several developing countries in Africa and Asia.
Juliette Torabian's picture
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Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Luxembourg
Pietro Emilio Spini's picture
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I am an econometrician interested in evidence based policy evaluation. I develop and apply models for causal and statistical inference to assess the external validity of policy recommendations based on experimental and observational data.
Alexander Gelber's picture
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Professor of Economics and Policy at UC San Diego. Works on public finance as well as climate change. Former US Treasury official.
Ceyhun Elgin's picture
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Ceyhun Elgin is a Professor of Economics at Bogazici University (Turkey). He obtained his PhD in economics at the University of Minnesota in 2010 and his research interests are in applied macroeconomics, economic growth, and political economics with a particular emphasis on the economics of the informal sector. Previously, Dr. Elgin also had visiting positions at the IMF, WB, Columbia University, and Boston University.
TAIB BENNANI's picture
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Problématique: L'analyse sociologique et politologique des politiques publiques d'inclusion (PPIS) par le sport et l'éducation physique (EP) est régie par deux tendances doctrinales en opposition. D'un côté, l'humanisme de l'EP et du sport confère aux politiques d'éducation par le sport un ensemble de valeurs centrées sur la personne en faveur de l'inclusion et l'intégration. De l'autre, le réalisme politique confère aux politiques de l'EP un caractère non conventionnel renforçant la thèse de marginalisation. En conséquence, le référentiel des politiques publiques d'inclusion par le sport et l'EP peine à réaliser les rééquilibrages nécessaires entre l'approche par les valeurs de l'humanisme et les impératives du réalisme politique.
Vanesha Manuturi's picture
Short description: 
A storyteller at heart, Vanesha is deeply passionate about the power of stories in driving civic movements. As the Communications and Advocacy Manager at Kota Kita, she combines her field journalism training with a diverse experience in communications for development to execute compelling media & communication strategies that raise public awareness and stimulate citizen participation on pressing urban issues. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies, Journalism with a minor in Sociology from Seattle Pacific University, and has contributed to media outlets such as the Jakarta Globe, the Jakarta Post, iBAN magazine, and the Next Billion.
Mohammad Kalantari's picture
Short description: 
Dr Mohammad R. Kalantari is the co-director of the Centre for Islamic & West Asian Studies (CIWAS), and Research Fellow in International Relations of the Middle East at Royal Holloway University of London. His research interest lies in the International Relations of the Middle East with a particular focus on the interaction of regional doctrines, Muslim clerical elites and their transnational networks. He has collaborated actively with policymakers and researchers in various inter-disciplinary projects addressing the contemporary affairs of the Middle East and the Muslim World.
David Lefor's picture
Short description: 
Program manager/researcher at Samuel Hall. International Development practitioner currently working as a researcher and program manager with an international research firm. Deeply passionate about education + health-related issues, particularly with regards to refugees, migrants, and the most marginalised. 10 years experience as an international secondary school educator and holding a MSc, B.Ed. and B.A. I'm looking forward to collaborating with you!
Rossella Ciccia's picture
Short description: 
Rossella Ciccia is Associate Professor of Social Policy in in the Department of Social Policy and Intervention and a Fellow of Green Templeton College. Her research interests lie in field of comparative social policy with a particular focus on issues relating to social inequalities, gender, care and paid work in Europe and Latin America. She is a member of the international research network Gender Equality Policy in Practice (GEPP), the scientific board of the International Observatory on Social Cohesion and Inclusion and the steering committee of the ECPR Standing Group on Gender and Politics.

