Expert and fellow directory


Gabriela Ramos's picture
Short description: 
Gabriela Ramos is the Assistant Director-General for the Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO, where she oversees the contributions of the institution to build inclusive and peaceful societies. Her agenda includes the achievement of social inclusion and gender equality, advancing youth development; promotion of values through sports; anti-racism and antidiscriminatory agenda and ethics of artificial intelligence. Her appointment at UNESCO allows her to continue supporting an agenda of inclusive growth, and the respect of human rights and human dignity.
Monique Gorgonio's picture
Short description: 
Sou formada em Educação Física, nível superior na Universidade Castelo Branco e na Universidade de Coimbra, Pos Graduada em Psicomotricidade e Projetos Sociais. Autuo a 10 anos no Instituto Esporte Educação , com foco no Esporte para Todos, temos trabalhamos com a metodologia do esporte educacional. Atuo há 6 anos no Projeto Vilas Olímpicas patrocinado pelo NIKE , aqui no Rio de Janeiro, projeto de Legado olímpico baseado no doc. Desenhado para o Movimento da Nações Unidas e com coleta de dados pelo PNUD, trabalhamos em parceria com Secretaria de Esporte do Rio de Janeiro, atuamos em 20 Vilas olímpicas , que são equipamentos públicos de esportes para todos espalhados na Cidade. Trabalhamos na Capacitação Continuada de 500 profissionais das Vilas , qualificação da prática pedagógica e de eventos, assim como formação para gestão.
Silvia Castro's picture
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Junior Economist and PhD Researcher Doctoral Candidate at Munich Graduate School of Economics. Silvia is an applied microeconomist interested in using field experiments to answer questions in the areas of Organizational and Development Economics. She has studied how social pressure and information sharing among groups can be effective tools to improve individual welfare. She has been involved in field experiments in Bangladesh, Uganda, and Germany
Amy Castro Baker's picture
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Dr. Castro Baker is an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Policy & Practice at the University of Pennsylvania. She is the Co-PI of the Stockton basic income experiment and the Co-Director of the Center for Guaranteed Income Research at Penn.
Peter Petkoff's picture
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Director, Religion, Law and International Relations Programme Regent's PArk College, Oxford Editor Oxford Journal of Law and Religion
Stacia West's picture
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Stacia West is an Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee College of Social Work and the co-Founder and Director of the Center for Guaranteed Income Research at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. West holds a B.A. in Women's Studies and Philosophy and a Masters of Science in Social Work from the University of Tennessee. She holds a Ph.D. in Social Welfare from the University of Kansas. She is the co-PI of the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration, the first modern city-led guaranteed income experiment in the US. Her research focuses on universal basic income, unconditional cash transfers, women’s poverty and wealth inequality, and the affordable housing crisis. Her research portfolio includes numerous grants, state and non-profit evaluation contracts, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Asset Funders Network. Her work has been published in leading social science journals including the Journal of Society for Social Work and Research, Social Science and Medicine, The Journal of Family and Economic Issues, and The Gerontologist, and is regularly featured in major national media outlets.
Stephen Elstub's picture
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main research interests are in the theory and practice of democracy, democratic innovation, public opinion, political communication, civil society and citizen participation, all viewed through the lens of deliberative democracy. His research is normative but applied, utilising mixed methods, locating his research on the critical intersection between normative political theory and empirical political science.
Elise Klein's picture
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Elise Klein is a Senior Lecturer of Public Policy at the Crawford School, Australian National University. She also works with the Australian Basic Income Lab. Her research focuses on development policy with a specific interest in work, redistribution, decoloniality and care.
Dr. Ripal Ranpara's picture
Short description: 
Dr. Ripal Ranpara is the Assistant Professor at Atmiya University, Rajkot. She is also the Database Administrator of Atmiya University Library and Learning Centre. She is the gold medallist in bachelor and master degree in information technology and computer application. Her expertise and research domains are Semantic Web, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval and network security. She has the rich academic knowledge and teaching experience of more than 6 years. She has mentored more than 80 postgraduate dissertations. She has also guided more that 5 funded projects of Rajkot city. She is the resource person of E-learning and network administration value added and co-curricular course at Shree M.N Virani Science College (Autonomous) Rajkot. She is the organizer of more than 2 international, more than 5 national and more than 10 regional events. As an assistant professor of department, she has bought the international oracle academy Memorandum to college to inculcate in the syllabus. She is also the panel member and jury of Gujarat Technological University, Student Start-up innovation Policy. She has also earned the global goodwill ambassador title from international Richard Dipillia Foundation LinkedIn. She is also the Certified Educator Community Influencer at Microsoft Education Community. She has also earned the title of Innovative Educator at Microsoft. She is the Ambassador at Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE. She is the advisor member of International Management Research and Technology Consortium. She is the editorial board members of more than five international peer reviewed journals. She is the reviewer member of more than fifteen peer reviewed international journals. Believing in Excellence, She has strong ties with many IT companies for the industry-academia collaboration. She is the board of studies member of Shree M.N Virani Science College as well Atmiya University. She is also the examiner committee member of Saurashtra University. She has been awarded as Best Women in ICT Technology 2019-2020 by International Inspirational Women Award (IIWA) Initiative by global GISR Organization. She has also been awarded as National Women’s Leadership Award in ICT, 2019-2020. She has authored and published more than nine books at international level, on subjects like python, web development, network administration etc. She has published more than twelve research papers in international peer reviewed journals including Springer. She has also published more than five papers in national journals. She has conducted various workshops, seminar and conferences in emerging trends in Computer Science and Engineering. He has also presented many guest lectures in various institutions. She always like to re-engineer the things - and for that reason, research is about the best possible option what she thinks to pursue lifelong. She is also curious to explore her own limits and skills and to get off the beaten path and "she always believe to work with Excellence" by giving hundred percent to complete the desired goal with satisfaction. She always believes in relearning the things.
Matteo Zullo's picture
Short description: 
I am receiving my PhD in Public Policy and MS in Data Analytics from the Georgia Institute of Technology. I am interested in educational policy with a focus on international student migrations and education production functions.

