Expert and fellow directory


Arianna Legovini's picture
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Arianna is Founder and Head of Department, Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) at the World Bank.
Tola Amodu's picture
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A research active academic and Solicitor of the Senior Courts (non-practising) with a specific interest in regulation land-use planning (public participation), housing (access) and environmental matters.
Pragya Chaube's picture
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A scientist-turned-science policy researcher, I am currently working at the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India - Centre for Policy Research, Indian Institute of Sciences. I am currently working on health policies focusing on maternal and child health and the engagement of scientists in the science-policy process. Additionally, my area of interest is representation and visibility in STEM and medical sciences. I have been working actively and write about women and inclusivity in STEM. Currently, I am also associated with Women Global Health- India chapter and work towards the representation of women in leadership positions in medical sciences.
Emily Regan Wills's picture
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Associate professor of comparative politics at the University of Ottawa, Canada. Co-director of Community Mobilization in Crisis, Research focuses transnational practices, civil society organizations, and social change.
Jerome Marty's picture
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I am a project director at the Council of Canadian Academies (CCA) where I lead assessments on Disaster Resilience and on the Circular Economy in Canada. Past recent projects at CCA include the reports on Indigenous Policing (for Public Safety Canada) and on Integrated Natural Resources Management (for NRCan). Prior to joining the CCA in 2016, I was a research scientist at the St. Lawrence River Institute, a director of environment for eastern Ontario in a large consulting firm (WSP Canada), and a science advisor at Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). I am a past President of the International Association of Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) and of the Society of Canadian Limnologists (SCL). I volunteer on the Board of Watershed Canada and as a member of several scientific advisory committees at the St. Lawrence River Institute, the Ottawa River Keeper, and the Lake Kivu Monitoring Program (Rwanda). In 2019, I became the Chair of the Partnership Group for Science and Engineering (PAGSE) which was incorporated as an NGO in 2020. In 2019, I was also appointed on the Science Advisory Board of the International Joint Commission (IJC).
IVAN MUGABI's picture
Short description: 
Mugabi K Ivan, I am currently Fulltime Assistant Lecturer at Kabale University, Uganda and occasionally a Supervisor of Maters Students in Oil and Gas Students at Kampala Petroleum Institute. In terms of education background, I have a Master of Philosophy from Cardiff University with the School of Law and Politics, a Human Rights Law from Cardiff University, UK Wales, a master’s International Commercial Law (LLM)- University of Glamorgan, UK, Wales, and Bachelor LLB (Hons) from Uganda Christian University: Mukono, Uganda. I like research and publishing as a means of advancing new knowledge
Marina G. Petrova's picture
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Dr. Marina G. Petrova is a Research Fellow at the Department of Social and Political Sciences, Bocconi University. She earned her PhD from the Department of Government, University of Essex and a master's degree from the University of Oxford. Dr. Petrova is a Peace and Conflict scholar and an expert in civil resistance, nonviolent action, and civil conflict processes. In her research, she studies different types of political mobilisation and their determinants, dynamics, and outcomes, using primarily quantitative methods. She is a recipient of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) research grant to study the effects of different nonviolent action tactics on civil war peace processes. Her research and international collaborations have been published in various outlets such as the Journal of Conflict Resolution and the Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Politics. Dr. Petrova is also the Conference Organiser for the Conflict Research Society (CRS) UK where she actively seeks to build bridges between academia and policy-makers and practitioners. More detailed information on her research background and experiences can be found on her website:
Aaron Clark-Ginsberg's picture
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Aaron Clark-Ginsberg (he/him) is a social scientist at the nonprofit, nonpartisan RAND Corporation, focused on improving the lives and resilience of communities. His published research is about hazard management, especially where it can affect humans and their communities. Clark-Ginsberg’s continuing research focus is on community resilience and disaster risk reduction, critical infrastructure, cybersecurity, risk governance, disasters, and cities.
Carin Tunaker's picture
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Dr Carin Tunaker (she/her) is a Social Anthropologist, specialising in homelessness. She does research in LGBTQ+ homelessness and intersectional disadvantages. Previous research has examined gender inequalities in higher education and she has also researched power and decision-making processes in local community settings. Dr Tunaker currently holds the position of Lecturer in Social Work at the University of Kent. Her continued and future work is to continue critiquing and queer-ing social policy in relation to poverty, homelessness and housing.
Andreas Hackl's picture
Short description: 
I am Lecturer in Anthropology of Development at the School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh, and Director of the Research Cluster Digital Global Development. My most recent research investigated the impact of digital technology on the livelihoods of refugees and migrants. A collaboration with the International Labour Organization led to the publication of two ILO reports on decent work among youths and refugees in the internet economy. Alongside this applied work, I co-authored a recent journal article on the employment outcomes of coding schools for migrants in Berlin, investigated the relationship between migration and inequality in the journal World Development, and published widely on economic inequality, displacement, and political conflict with a focus on the Middle East. My current research agenda aims to enable a more inclusive and fair future of work in the global digital economy, with a particular focus on marginalized populations, such as refugees, and people in need of humanitarian assistance and development aid.

