Expert and fellow directory


Alfonso Montuori's picture
Short description: 
Alfonso Montuori is Professor in the Transformative Inquiry Department at California Institute of Integral Studies. Among other academic appointments, in 2003-2004 Alfonso was Distinguished Professor in the School of Fine Arts at Miami University in Oxford Ohio, and Distinguished Visiting Professor at “La Sapienza” University of Rome. In 1985-1986 he taught at the Central South University in Hunan, China. Alfonso is the author of several books and numerous articles on creativity, complexity, and education. Alfonso is also a consultant focusing on creativity and executive development through his company Evolutionary Strategies. An active musician and voting member of the Recording Academy, he lives in San Francisco with his wife, jazz singer Kitty Margolis, and has co-produced her award-winning recordings.
Gerald Roche's picture
Short description: 
I am an anthropologist and Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Politics and Philosophy. My research focuses on the politics of language endangerment and revitalization, with a regional focus on Tibet.
Aline Coutinho's picture
Short description: 
I am an economic sociologist, a postdoctoral fellow researcher at the Smart Prosperity Institute, and a sessional lecturer at the University of Ottawa, Canada. I design equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) solutions and tools to assist Canadian policymakers in identifying best paths to transition to a decarbonized, sustainable, and more equitable future.
Brian-Vincent IKEJIAKU's picture
Short description: 
Dr. Brian is an academic in Law and one of the leading scholars in the field of International Development Law, Human Rights, & Social Justice -See . Brian has been invited to international talks in US, Asia, Africa and Europe –See His work International Law, The International Development Legal Regime & Developing Countries published in the Law & Development Review has remained a masterpiece for reference in the field of international law & development, including being recommended as compulsory reading to students in many Universities globally. Brian Coordinates the Sustainable Human Development Thematic Group of the Human Development & Capability Association (HDCA) – a global Multi-Disciplinary & People-Centred organisation. Brian’s conference work on ‘capability & SDGs’ received a general appeal and acceptance and being published as an edited volume. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Law & Society. He has been published widely in the field in peer-reviewed journals such as Law & Dev Rev (LDR); M. J. of Int. Eco Law (MJIEL); Denver J. of Int. Law & Policy (DJILP), Groningen J. of Int. Law (GroJIL), Comp. & Int. Law J. of Southern Africa (CILJSA); Seton-Hall J. of Diplomacy & IR (JDIR); Afr. J of Legal Studies (AJLS) and J. of Conflict & Reconciliation (JCR). Externally: Brian is a regular reviewer of academic journals in both Law & Social Science fields, for example: South African Law Journal (SALJ – one of the oldest law journals founded in 1884), Third World Quarterly (TWQ), Journal of Int. Relations & Development (JIRD), and African Studies Quarterly (ASQ). He also reviews with the UK Research Funding Bodies such as AHRC & RCUK and a member of the UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) Global Leaders Fellowship Peer Review College - See (at p.24).
Sona Muzikarova's picture
Short description: 
Internationally-trained economist & policy adviser in economic affairs and diplomacy. Former European Central Bank (ECB)-analyst, OECD-economist, and diplomat. Interested in European economic affairs, innovation-led growth & underlying policy blueprint @SonaMuzikarova / own views
Emilie Ens's picture
Short description: 
I conduct collaborative cross-cultural research and education outreach work with Aboriginal Australians, mainly in remote parts of northern Australia
Gabriele Abbondanza's picture
Short description: 
Dr. Gabriele Abbondanza is a Researcher and Sessional Lecturer at the Department of Government and International Relations, University of Sydney, Australia. He is also Associate Fellow at the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), a top-20 international relations think tank based in Rome, Italy; and a Honorary Research Associate at the Australasian Centre for Italian Studies (ACIS). His research fields include Italian and Australian foreign and security policy; regional, middle, and great powers; national power; and migration. He has published widely on these topics, including two monographs, an edited volume, and numerous journal articles, book chapters, and reports. He currently teaches a number of courses related to International Relations and Security Studies. More information can be found on his website: .
Danielle Kent's picture
Short description: 
Dr Danielle Kent is a an academic at the University of Sydney Business School. Her area of expertise is Behavioural Finance. Prior to joining the University of Sydney, Danielle held positions at The World Bank and NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet. She has published in leading peer-reviewed journals including Management Science and Scientific Reports Nature. Danielle brings a wealth of experience from industry and government in applying behavioural finance to create innovative solutions.
Lê Lĩnh's picture
Short description: 
Từng là đại biểu Quốc hội, Phó Chủ nhiệm Uỷ ban khoa học công nghệ và môi trường, Phó tổng thư ký Quốc hội Từng là Viện trưởng Viện Nghiên cứu Đông Nam Á Hiện là Uỷ viên Hội đồng lý luận của Trung ương Đảng. Chuyên gia nghiên cứu và tư vấn chính sách về chính trị,kinh tế và khoa học công nghệ.
Nektarios Tavernarakis's picture
Short description: 
Nektarios Tavernarakis is the Chairman of the Board of Directors at the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas, Research Director at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, and Professor of Molecular Systems Biology at the Medical School of the University of Crete, in Heraklion, Greece. He is the Director of the Graduate Program on BioInformatics at the Medical School of the University of Crete, and is also heading the Neurogenetics and Ageing laboratory of IMBB. He is a corresponding member of the Academy of Athens, a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina), and Academia Europaea. He has also served as the Director of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. His research focuses on the molecular mechanisms of necrotic cell death and neurodegeneration, the interplay between cellular metabolism and ageing, the mechanisms of sensory transduction and integration by the nervous system, and the development of novel genetic tools for biomedical research. He has received several notable scientific prizes, including two ERC Advanced Investigator Grants, and an innovation-supporting ERC Proof of Concept Grant. He is also the recipient of the EMBO Young Investigator award, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel research award, the Bodossaki Foundation Scientific Prize for Medicine and Biology, the Empeirikeion Foundation Academic Excellence Prize, the BioMedical Research Award of the Academy of Athens, the Galien Scientific Research Award, and the Helmholtz International Fellow Award.

