Valorizing Evidence for Inclusive Education Policy in Indonesia

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Valorizing Research and Evidence for Social Inclusion in Indonesia: A Practical Guide for Information Uptake in the Indonesian Education Policymaking Process

Valorizing Research and Evidence for Social Inclusion in Indonesia: A Practical Guide for Information Uptake in the Indonesian Education Policymaking Process
December 2018

This practical guide constitutes stage 2 of the project and provides recommendations for Indonesian stakeholders to improve inclusivity in education policymaking processes. We recommend practical actions to improve the valorization of knowledge, that is, the availability, accessibility and usage of evidence in education policymaking processes. Our recommendations are meant to improve inclusivity and to support the national policy objective of providing access to quality education for all.

This document is produced under the framework of “Valorizing Evidence on Inclusive Social Development to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals” Project, funded by the Malaysia Funds in Trust under the Malaysia – UNESCO Cooperation Programme (MUCP)
