UNESCO QPE Policy Project - Fiji

Private E-team


Dean Dudley's picture
Short description: 
Dr Dean Dudley is an Associate Professor (Health and Physical Education) in the Macquarie School of Education at Macquarie University. He is also an Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Queensland and in the Center of Educational Measurement and Assessment at the University of Sydney. Dr Dudley is a 2012 Churchill Fellow and was an Expert Consultant for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization’s Quality Physical Education Guidelines and an Independent Specialist in Health and Physical Education by UNESCO's International Bureau of Education.
Suzanne Hargreaves's picture
Short description: 
I am a Senior Education Officer within Education Scotland with national lead responsibility for Health and wellbeing and Outdoor Learning. I am also an Attainment Adviser within Scottish Government's Scottish Attainment Challenge to reduced the poverty-related attainment gap in Scotland.
Taku YAMAGUCHI's picture
Short description: 
I've been work as practitioner of the field on Sport for Development and Peace in many countries since 1999. Now I work at University as a faculty member to operate master's program on Sport for Development and Peace. On beside I also take many advisory task, mainly focus on PES development in South-East Asia, especially Cambodia.
Reza Rajabi's picture
Short description: 
Prof. Reza Rajabi is a husband and father of a twin boys age 6. His wife is PE teacher in primary school too. Reza is a Professor at the University of Tehran (Physical education and sport sciences faculty). His career in physical education enabled Reza to work with a wide variety of students in various ages in the field of physical education and some related organizations across Iran. Reza have ben advisor and supervisor to more than 1000 B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D students in the field of postural disfunction in children. Hence, his main interest and especially is teaching and researching in the area of postural abnormalities and musculoskeletal disorders caused by nonstandard school furniture particularly among young students. Musculoskeletal and postural measurements and prescription of corrective exercises for such a postural and musculoskeletal malalignments is his another expertise. Reza during the past 8 years has been focused on play therapy (adapted or corrective games and plays) on young children. Hence, one of his favourite topic and desire's is running workshops for PE teachers and parents in the above mention issue.
Douglas Gleddie's picture
Short description: 
Dr. Doug Gleddie is a husband and father who also happens to be an Associate Professor at the University of Alberta (Elementary Physical Education). In a career filled with change, the only true constants have been physical activity/education, working with kids and, how joy fills the spaces in between. Although it took him a while to fully embrace this epiphanal thought, the journey itself has enabled Doug to work with a wide variety of people and organizations across Canada and around the world. Doug is currently researching narratives of movement and physical education as well as exploring the affective aspects of physical literacy. He takes care of his own wellness by being active with his family; improving his guitar picking and seeking new challenges each day. Visit Doug’s blog at www.purposefulmovement.net
Manon Leroy's picture
Short description: 
Project assistant for the Quality Physical Education (QPE) policy project, SHS, UNESCO HQ
Emilie Dejasse's picture
Short description: 
Emilie Dejasse est Coordinatrice du Laboratoire des Politiques Inclusives au sein de la section Recherche, politique et prospective de la Division des transformations sociales et du dialogue interculturel de l'UNESCO. Depuis qu'elle a rejoint le Secteur des sciences sociales et humaines de l'UNESCO, son travail porte essentiellement sur la politique comparée et la question des politiques inclusives, avec un accent particulier sur l’inclusion des personnes handicapées. Avant de rejoindre l’UNESCO, elle a mené divers travaux de terrain sur les thèmes des droits de l’homme et de l’inclusion sociale des personnes en situation précaires, notamment en Colombie et au Vietnam, en étudiant la question de la réinsertion des victimes de guerre. Depuis 2016, Emilie est également membre du conseil d’administration de l’association Le Filon, un lieu dédié et co-construit avec les femmes à la rue afin de les aider à se reconstruire et retrouver une place dans la société grâce à leurs talents.
