I am a Senior Education Officer within Education Scotland with national lead responsibility for Health and wellbeing and Outdoor Learning.
I am also an Attainment Adviser within Scottish Government's Scottish Attainment Challenge to reduced the poverty-related attainment gap in Scotland.
I currently have the privilege of being the Senior Education Officer for Health and wellbeing (HWB) and Outdoor Learning in Education Scotland. I work with a team of Development Officers and Inspectors to support staff in educational establishments across Scotland on all aspects of HWB and Outdoor Learning. My current remit includes Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical wellbeing, Planning for Choices and Changes, Food and Health, Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport, Substance Misuse, Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood, and Outdoor Learning. I am inspired by the people I work with.
Work Experience
I started my career as a physical education teacher in a secondary school and during this time I completed a MEd and then a MSc in Applied Social Research. I moved into Higher Education as a Graduate Assistant at the University of Stirling followed by a Lecturing post at the University of Glasgow. After time out for family, I returned to the secondary sector as a Senior Teacher and then as a Principal Teacher before moving to a secondment with Learning and Teaching Scotland (LTS, now Education Scotland). I continued my involvement in Higher Education through various roles including Teacher Fellow at the University of Stirling, Associate Tutor at the University of Edinburgh and External Examiner at the University of Glasgow.
Fields of expertise: Education, Evidence for policy / knowledge valorization, Health and wellbeing, Reduction of inequalities / equity / poverty eradication