Inequalities in the time of COVID-19

Public E-team


Amanda Shriwise's picture
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I am currently the Editor of the Global Social Policy Digest, and my policy work is focused at the intersection of universal health coverage and social protection in the context of the 2030 Agenda. Most recently, I have worked as a consultant and advisor for the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. I am also a visiting scholar at the University of Kansas in the US and a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bremen in Germany, where I examine histories and colonial legacies of social protection in Africa. Previously, I completed my DPhil at the University of Oxford on the history of development assistance and social protection in hegemonic powers, and I also completed a fellowship in global social protection at Harvard University.
Diego Sánchez-Ancochea's picture
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Head of the Oxford Department of International Development and Professor of the Political Economy of Development at the University of Oxford. Together with Juliana Martínez Franzoni he has worked extensively on universal social policies in the South, with particular attention to Latin America. He is currently working on the determinants and consequences of inequality through the study of the Latin American experience.
June Wang's picture
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June Wang is Assistant Professor of Urban Geography in the Department of Public Policy at City University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include cultural/creative cities and culture-led urban transformation, such as gentrification and recently, territorialization of creative cities through assemblage of land and population, and the consequently precarious geography of cultural workforce. She has co-edited the book Making Cultural Cities in Asia: Mobility, Assemblage, and the Politics of Aspirational Urbanism (Routledge, 2016), and has authored published papers in various journals, such as Cities, Geoforum, Territory, Politics, Governance and Urban Geography. 
Inclusive Policy Lab's picture
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Notification Team, Inclusive Policy Lab
Holger Apel's picture
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Part of the GIZ's Poverty and Inequality Team with expertise in inequality reducing policies, 2030 Agenda and integrated approaches to development.
Alexander Hauschild's picture
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I am currently based in Jakarta, Indonesia, have 16 years experience in international development, and I am available for projects world wide. Themes include: - Disability - Human Rights Based Approaches - Inclusive Education - Social Inclusion - Social Protection Services include: - Advocacy and awareness raising - Capacity building - Concept development - Evaluations - Material development (electronic and print) - Project management - Project proposals and project design - Training and workshops Country experience: Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Myanmar, Norway, Palestine, South-Sudan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam and Yemen. Worked with: AODN, AusAID, BMZ, Braillo Norway, British Council, Cardno, CBM, DEval, DFAT, EC, EENET, GFA, GIZ, Handicap International, Helen Keller International, IDP Norway, Kindernothilfe, Light for the World, Myanmar Education Consortium, Norwegian Mission Alliance, Norwegian Refugee Council, Palladium, Plan International, Save the Children, Terre de Hommes, UNESCO, UNICEF, USAID, WHO, and the World Bank as well with many local NGOs and DPOs.
Iulia Sevciuc's picture
Short description: 
Iulia works with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on inclusive growth, social policy, and knowledge impact on policy. She is the Chief of Section a.i. for Management of Social Transformations and Foresight, leading the work on the MOST intergovernmental programme and the UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab. Prior to UNESCO, Iulia worked on the same agendas with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Her appointments with the United Nations were preceded by work with the US Aid Development Agency (USAID)/International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX). Iulia holds an MSc in Comparative Social Policy from the University of Oxford, following on from a degree in economics.

