User directory


Brian Polkinghorn's picture
Short description: 
Brian works in conflict regions on cross border cooperation projects involving a wide ranges of actors.
Louise Eldridge's picture
Short description: 
I am a Programme Officer at Anti-Slavery International, providing policy, research and communications support to advocacy projects focused on combatting forced and child labour in supply chains (focusing particularly on EU policy) and conducting training for businesses on human rights due diligence. I was previously a Research Assistant for the International Centre for Taxation and Development at the Institute of Development Studies, a Team Leader coordinating volunteers for Restless Development in Uganda, Network and Communications Officer for the Robin Hood Tax campaign, and an intern working on tax justice with Christian Aid.
Naj Ghosheh's picture
Short description: 
I am a legal and policy researcher in the Inclusive Labour Markets, Labour Relations, and Working Conditions Branch of the International Labour Organisation in Geneva, Switzerland. My work is focused on working conditions and remuneration (notably wage protection). I am interested in cross-disciplinary research, mainly involving socio-legal analysis and the interaction of law and economics in policy and legal decision making. I have provide legal and policy analysis to the ILO tripartite constituents (i.e. governments, workers, and employers) in countries around the world, and notably in Europe and Asia.
Léo Czajka's picture
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I am a PhD student at UCLouvain and fellow of the World Inequality Lab. I work on inequality and tax policy in Sub-Saharan African countries.
Dominique Caouette's picture
Short description: 
Professeur agrégé / Associate Professor - Département de science politique – Centre d’études de l’Asie de l’Est Coordonnateur / Coordinator - REDTAC, et de la revue Possibles, Bureau C-4026, Pavillon Lionel Groulx, 3150 Jean Brillant Université de Montréal CP. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville, Montréal, Qc. H3C 3J7 Tél: (514) 343-6111 poste: 1-40899 / Fax: 514-343-2360 / Email: Pages web :
Aung Than Oo's picture
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I am from Myanmar
Kwaku Nuamah's picture
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I teach Conflict Resolution courses at the School of International Service, American University, Washington DC
Sébastien Markley's picture
Short description: 
Statistician specializing in compiling, producing, disseminating and analysing socio-economic data, with a focus on African development.
Li Yang's picture
Short description: 
Li Yang is a research associate at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and a research fellow at the World Inequality Lab (WIL) at Paris School of Economics. Previously, he was a researcher in the World Bank DEC research group in Washington D.C. from 2013 to 2017, a Marie Curie research fellow at Paris School of Economics from 2018 to 2020, and a Stone research fellow at INSEAD from 2020 to 2021. He was also the coordinator for East and South Asia at the World Inequality Lab from 2018 to 2021. His main research interests pertain to income and wealth inequality, economic history and political economy. His research output has been published in scientific journals such as American Economic Review, China Economic Review and the British Journal of Sociology. He was awarded a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship from European Commission in 2018 and a research grant from the World Bank DEC research group for individual research in 2014.
Nicolas Cast's picture
Short description: 
ing en sistemas, estudiante de administracion rural

