User directory


Cedric Nelom's picture
Short description: 
Born on April 5, 1973 in Paramaribo. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from the University of Charleston (USA), a Post-graduate Diploma in Environmental Management from the Maastricht School of Management (the Netherlands) and a Master of Science degree in "Development & Policy" from the Anton de Kom University of Suriname. He previously worked at Waste Management Incorporated (in USA), Grassalco and Foundation for Nature Conservation Suriname (STINASU). Is associated with the National Institute for Environment and Development in Suriname (NIMOS) for 20 years and currently in the position as the Acting General Director.
Daniel Schydlowsky's picture
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Professor of Economics at Harvard, Boston University and The American University. Head, Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFPs of Peru 2011-2015, President of Peru´s Development Bank and Member of the Board of Peru´s Central Bank 2002-2006. President of Association of Bank Supervisors of the Americas, Chair of Governing Committee of Alliance for Financial Inclusion, Vice-President of Association of Insurance Supervisors of the Americas and various other international bodies 2011-2016. Consultant to Gates Foundation, Interamerican Development Bank, Alliance for Financial Inclusion, Better than Cash Alliance, FMO, 2016-present. Associate, David Rockefeller Center for latin American Studies, Harvard University; Visiting Scholar, Pardee School, Boston University. CEO Boston Institute for Developing Economies, Ltd.
Sandeep Bhattacharya's picture
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Sandeep Bhattacharya received his Ph.D. in Economics in 2010 from Georgia State University, and graduated from the Master's in Public Policy Program at Duke University in May 2005. He graduated from St. Stephen's College, Delhi University, with a B.A. (Honors) degree in Economics in 1988 and completed his Master's degree in Economics from the Delhi School of Economics in 1990. Bhattacharya is the author of "Aspects of tax spillovers: Is there a 'worldwide' tax burden?" (VDM-Verlag, 2011). He has several years of work experience in the private and public sector outside academia, including with the Indian Revenue Service (Customs and Excise) and has provided technical assistance on behalf of the IFC/World Bank group, GIZ and DCID to several governments. His fields of interest are Public Finance and Taxation, Budgeting, Analytical Methods & Data Analysis, Impact Evaluation and Data Based Modelling.
Audrey-Anne DE UBEDA's picture
Short description: 
I am a Research Assistant at FERDI (Foundation for Studies and Research on International Development). My research focuses on regional integration in the CFA franc zone (WAEMU and CEMAC). I am also working on the Culture and Development Program. I hold a M.A. from Sciences Po Lyon (International Affairs) and a M.A in Macro and Development economics from the Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE). Prior to joining Ferdi, I worked in Chile and South Africa in the field of international cooperation and development assistance. I am currently pursuing a PhD degree in Development Economics on the links between trust and economic development, under the supervision of Vianney Dequiedt (CERDI, Université Clermont Auvergne) and Céline Carrère (University of Geneva)
Pulluru Prudhvikar Reddy's picture
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I am a development Economist interested in rural development, child well-being, agriculture and poverty.
Diana Potjomkina's picture
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I'm a PhD student working on multistakeholderism in the EU's trade policy. I'm specifically interested in inclusion / exclusion dynamics of stakeholders.
Rebecca Ray's picture
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Post-doctoral research fellow, Boston University Global Development Policy Center. Scholar on the topics of inclusive and sustainable development, development finance, and environmental and social risk management, particularly with regards to Latin America.
Domenico Valenza's picture
Short description: 
Domenico Valenza is a researcher at the United Nations University and Ghent University. His area of expertise include European Union affairs, post-Soviet studies, and discourse analysis. Prior to joining UNU-CRIS and Ghent University, he worked at No Peace Without Justice and at the College of Europe. He also works as a freelance journalist covering EU and post-Soviet affairs for various media outlets. His mother tongue is Italian, and he speaks English, French and Russian.
Lunting Wu's picture
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Assistant Researcher in the framework of the EU Horizon 2020 Project CRISEA, Visiting Scholar at the United Nations Institute of Comparative Regional Integration Studies
Riccardo Trobbiani's picture
Short description: 
Researcher, consultant and trainer with expertise in EU external relations (development, trade) and the role of scientific, cultural and higher education cooperation therein. I also have academic and professional experience in regional policies and regional and local representation in Brussels. I act as the coordinator of a Work Package of the H2020 project 'EL-CSID'

