User directory


Preeti Gaonkar's picture
Short description: 
I work with the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) as the Project Manager in the Culture Department. Primarily responsible for the work in the area of cultural policy research and dialogue. The diverse range of activities undertaken include policy panels at ASEM Culture Ministers' Meetings (ASEM CMMs) and international platforms such as the European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres (ENCATC) and the UCLG Culture Summits; publications targeting cultural policy issues of common relevance to both regions; and, support to research on arts and culture in the ASEM countries. Prior to joining ASEF, I launched The Mumbai Assembly, an independent cultural agency focused on creating new platforms for collaboration and showcasing in the space of creative and cultural industries, and supporting the development of a sustainable ecosystem for cultural entrepreneurship in India. The key strands of work included development of showcasing platforms for emerging and independent artists across art forms, arts-based immersive activities, dialogue channels particularly on the topics of inter-disciplinary and crossover work and establishing a community cultural centre.
Minae Inahara's picture
Short description: 
Minae Inahara is Associate Professor of Gender Studies and Clinical Philosophy in the Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, Japan. Her research interests are in the fields of French feminism (especially Irigaray and Kristeva), feminist phenomenology, philosophy of the body, phenomenology of disability, medical humanities, and philosophical practices. Her major publications include the monograph Abject Love: Undoing the Boundaries of Physical Disability (VDM Verlag, 2009), and the articles "The rejected voice: towards intersubjectivity in speech language pathology" (2013) in Disability & Society 28(1)), "The Voice of Pain: The Semiotic and Embodied Subjectivity" (2012 in Embodied Selves), “This Body Which is Not One: The Body, Femininity and Disability” (2009 in Body & Society 15(1)).
Josh Smith's picture
Short description: 
Senior Researcher at the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media, a centre within Demos. Much of our work involves applying natural language processing as a research tool, to investigate the Internet and data economy's affects on politics, society, health, etc. Recently working on data driven political campaigning, misinformation on social media, gambling advertising and online depression forums. Once a software developer, now really more of a data dabbler
Aparna Roy's picture
Short description: 
Roy is a public policy expert, author and columnist. She was the Coordinator of G20 India’s Think 20 (T20) Secretariat’s Task Force on Refuelling Growth: Clean Energy and Green Transitions. Roy is a guest teacher at the Charité University, Berlin where she teaches an advance module on interactions between climate change and social determinants on health. She is a Member of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India's Consortium on 'Economic Analysis of Air Pollution Policy and Regulation Unit.'
Ilene van Brouwershaven's picture
Short description: 
Graduate with an interdisciplinary academic background and international mindset having worked and studied in Singapore, Malaysia, Belgium and the Netherlands. Strong interest in (labour) migration, social protection, Southeast Asia and human rights. Working now as a Programme Assistant at the European Policy Centre.
Emily Balcetis's picture
Short description: 
I focus on the conscious and nonconscious ways people fundamentally orient to the world. Using basic science and experimental research approaches, I investigate how individuals' motivations, emotions, needs, and goals impact the basic ways they perceive, interpret, and ultimately react to the information around them. With my team members, we tackle issues including biased support for diverse leadership among adults and children, bias in jurors' visual experiences when viewing evidence, biased perceptions of environments when pursuing better health, and other outcomes.
Guðrún Eysteinsdóttir's picture
Short description: 
Operations Manager at University of Iceland Gender Equality Studies and Training Programme.
Dr. Judith Oloo's picture
Short description: 
I graduated with Bachelors of Academic Law (BAL) Degree in 2005, Bachelors of Laws (LL.B) Degree in 2007, Master of Laws (LL.M.) in 2009 and thereafter a Doctorate (Ph.D. in Laws) at the St. Augustine University of Tanzania, majoring in International Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in 2017. I am also an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. I have worked as a lecturer and head of Department at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) and Jomo Kenyatta University. I have also published a number of articles on various human rights concerns.
Simona Guagliardo's picture
Short description: 
I am a Policy Analyst at the European Policy Centre (EPC), a Brussels-based think tank. I work on EU social policies, in particular health and care policies and I have written on the digitalisation of health and care in the context of the EU Digital Single Market and on integrated care. I am also conducting research on cooperation in health, the future of work in the health sector and sustainability of EU health systems. Prior to moving to Brussels, I worked as health management consultant in a private hospital in Italy where I was involved in the analysis of the cost-effectiveness and appropriateness of health care delivery and in the implementation of the electronic health record system. I have an academic background in health management and public policies and have conducted research on the process of integration between hospital and community-based services. I also hold a Master of Science in European politics and policies from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, and a postgraduate diploma in diplomatic studies from the Italian Society for International Organisation (S.I.O.I.), Rome.
Mihai Palimariciuc's picture
Short description: 
I am a junior policy analyst currently working on technology, social protection and the future of work. My background is in European and Comparative Social Policy and I worked as a European Policy Evaluator.

