User directory


Fengshi Wu's picture
Short description: 
Fengshi Wu is Associate Professor in Political Science and International Relations at the School of Social Sciences, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia. She is a world leading scholar in environmental politics, state-society relations, and global governance with the empirical focus on China and Asia. She was a Visiting Fellow at the Harvard-Yenching Institute (2008-2009) and a Graduate Fellow of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences (2004). Currently, A/Prof. Wu is the inaugural Series Editor of Environment and Society in Asia, Amsterdam University Press, and serves on the Board of the International Society for Third-Sector Research.
Henry Li's picture
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Research Fellow, UCL
Giorgos Gouzoulis's picture
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Giorgos Gouzoulis is an Associate Professor in HRM at Queen Mary, University of London. His scholarly interests include Comparative Industrial Relations, Sociology of Work & Employment, and International HRM with a focus on how globalisation and financialisation affect wage bargaining, employee voice, and atypical employment.
Ali Bargu's picture
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Doctoral Student in Social Policy and Young Professional in International Development in Social Protection.
Jean-Paul Gagnon's picture
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Senior Lecturer at University of Canberra. Conducts philosophical investigations (mostly pragmatic of late) into the meanings of democracy (there are over 3,700 of them in the English language). Non-human democracy and non-Western democracy are particular interests.
Saeed Jafari's picture
Short description: 
Saeed Jafari is a science communicator and a science journalist. He has completed his studies in linguistics at the University of Kurdistan. He serves as Director of Intl. and Science Communication in the Saros Science Popularization Team. For more than nine years, Saeed has led astronomy communication, outreach and education for many organisations and institutions, and currently researches public understanding of science in media, technology and society. Saeed is also a lecturer of linguistics at the University of Kurdistan and editor-in-chief of UoK's Linguverse journal.
Aaron Devor's picture
Short description: 
Founder & Inaugural Chair in Transgender Studies, University of Victoria, Canada (World's first & only one). Founder & Academic Director, The Transgender Archives, University of Victoria, Canada (World's largest). Founder & Host, Moving Trans History Forward Conferences, Victoria, Canada (International & interdisciplinary, Community & Academic).
Joyce Wu's picture
Short description: 
Joyce Wu is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Social Sciences. She is also a Fulbright Senior Scholar, Deputy Editor of Development in Practice and Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University. Joyce has a diverse history of interdisciplinary research and practitioner experiences. Her research includes sexual and gendered violence in conflict and post-conflict situations, intersectionality and inequality, gender mainstreaming, sustainable development, climate change, and equity and diversity in the higher education. Prior to academic life, Joyce has worked in the Australian Government and the United Nations on gender and development issues, including the The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women. She has worked with CSIRO as a Research Fellow to integrate gender and social considerations into a water resource management programme in South Asia. Joyce was also part of the Australian Government funded research, Individual Deprivation Measure, which is a multidimensional poverty measure with a gender-sensitive analysis and focus.
Sourav Sinha's picture
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I am an Economics PhD candidate at Yale University. My research focuses on labor market disparities and policy measures to alleviate them.
Fiona Gill's picture
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My work is around human remains in contexts of political repression and genocide, and on processes of memorialisation, memory and justice. I am particularly interested in the intersection of forensic science and the social sciences.

