User directory


Craig Forrest's picture
Short description: 
Craig Forrest is a Professor in the Law School, University of Queensland, teaching and undertaking research in the areas of maritime law and cultural heritage law, with a special interest in underwater cultural heritage. Professor Forrest was a member of the South African delegation to UNESCO to negotiate the 2001 Underwater Cultural Heritage Convention, and has acted as an advisor to UNESCO regional cultural meetings in 2009 (Solomon Islands), 2012 (Cambodia), 2013 (St.Kitts and Nevis) and 2017 (Indonesia). He helped to draft the Model Law for the implementation of the UCH Convention. He was recently engaged in a UNESCO project, with Dr Bill Jeffery (University of Guam) on the protection on underwater cultural heritage in Micronesia. Professor Forrest has held visiting research and teaching position at Cambridge University, National University of South Korea, City University of Hong Kong, Dalhousie University Canada and University of Nottingham (the latter as a Universitas 21 Fellow). Before turning to the law, Professor Forrest served as a naval officer in the South African Navy.
Sandra Quiala (Mwana Afrika)'s picture
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Journalist | Economist | Author
Celestyna Galicki's picture
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Dr Celestyna Galicki is the Research Lead in the New Zealand Retirement Commission (Commission for Financial Capability). She leads research on the effects of retirement income policies, evaluation of financial education initiatives, financial inclusion and consumer behaviour. She supports New Zealand's National Strategy for Financial Capability by providing research and insights to stakeholders. The Commission's research reports can be found at:
Yvonne Su's picture
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Yvonne Su is an Assistant Professor in Interdisciplinary Refugee and Diaspora Studies in the Department of Equity Studies in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies. She is a member of the Centre for Refugee Studies and the York Centre for Asian Research. Yvonne is a specialist on forced migration, climate change-induced displacement, migrant remittances, social capital, global migration governance, humanitarian assistance and post-disaster recovery. She holds a PhD in Political Science and International Development from the University of Guelph and a Masters in Refugee and Forced Migration Studies from the University of Oxford. Broadly, her research interests focus on migration and development, refugee protection and disaster risk reduction. Her current research examines South-South humanitarian responses in the context of forced migration using the case study of Venezuelan LGBTQI+ asylum seekers in Brazil. Previously, Yvonne spent 7 months in the Philippines researching the role of migrant remittances in post-disaster recovery after Typhoon Haiyan. Yvonne’s work has been supported by grants and fellowships from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Doctoral Research Award, Canadian Heritage, the Government of Ontario and the Mackenzie King Scholarship Trust. She is also the recipient of over 25 national and international awards and scholarships including the Young Woman of Distinction Award and the University of Guelph’s Young Alumni Award.
Andrea Podhorsky's picture
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Academic economist.
Aarushi Kalra's picture
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I am a third year PhD student in Economics at Brown. My research interests include Public and Development Economics. I am interested in studying applications of collective action problems in Developing countries. My current research deals with the causes and effects of residential segregation in Indian cities. Prior to Brown, I completed my MA in Economics at the Delhi School of Economics, worked at the Center for Development Economics, and taught Quantitative Methods at the Institute of Economic growth, all in New Delhi, India.
Mario Mariniello's picture
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Mario Mariniello is Senior Fellow at Bruegel, the Brussels-based think-tank. He leads Bruegel’s project on the “Future of Work and Inclusive Growth” which closely analyses the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the nature, quantity and quality of work, welfare systems and inclusive growth at large. In particular, the role of technology in reshaping society when subject to extreme stress (i.e. during a pandemic). Before joining Bruegel, Mario was Digital Adviser at the European Political Strategy Centre (EPSC), a European Commission in-house think-tank that operated under the authority of President Jean-Claude Juncker. The EPSC provided the President and the College of Commissioners with strategic, evidence-based analysis and forward-looking policy advice. In his capacity of Digital Adviser, Mario led the EPSC’s work on Digital Single Market issues. Mario has also previously been a Bruegel Fellow focusing on “Competition Policy and Regulation”. From 2007 to 2012, Mario was a member of the Chief Economist Team at DG-Competition, European Commission. During that time, he developed the economic analysis of a number of topical antitrust and merger cases in the technological and transport sectors. Mario holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Organization from the European University Institute of Fiesole (Florence) and a M.Sc. in Economics from CORIPE (Turin). He currently teaches a course in Digital Economy at the College of Europe and has previously taught a course in European Economic Integration for Master students at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).
Irene Bucelli's picture
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Research Officer at the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE) at the London School of Economics
Regina Ynestrillas's picture
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Graduate in M.Sc. Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management with a focus in the intersection of policy and the environment. I have experience in public, private, and non-profit organizations. My experience and education comprise energy efficiency, water infrastructure, sustainable development, innovation ecosystems, urban systems, and food systems. I currently split my time between taking part in the Local Pathways Fellowship 2020 cohort and as a Solutions Content Project Officer at the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
Nicole De Silva's picture
Short description: 
I am a professor in the Department of Political Science at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. I hold a DPhil/PhD in International Relations from the University of Oxford. My research focuses on international institutions and law, human rights, and international criminal justice. I have experience providing policy advice to governments, international organizations, and NGOs. For further details, please see my website:

