User directory


Margaret Chitiga-Mabugu's picture
Short description: 
Prof Chitiga-Mabugu joined the University of Pretoria as Director and Head of the School of Public Management and Administration from 1 September 2014. She was the Executive Director of Economic Performance and Development at the Human Sciences Research Council prior to joining the University. Prof Chitiga-Mabugu was previously professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Pretoria, where she taught microeconomics, public sector economics, development economics, economic modelling and mathematics for economists. She has supervised over a dozen PhD and MSc students.
Erin McCandless's picture
Short description: 
I am a seasoned scholar and policy adviser with over two decades experience working on and in conflict-affected, fragile and transitional settings. My focus lies in understanding these contexts and how processes of peacebuilding and transformative social change unfold and can be better nurtured. I am based in Johannesburg, South Africa, where I am an Associate Professor at the School of Governance in the University of Witwatersrand, and I direct a research and policy dialogue project on Forging Resilient Social Contracts. I proudly co-founded the internationally peer reviewed Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, and I regularly collaborate with the United Nations and other international organisations, conducting research and evaluation, and facilitating strategic, policy-relevant processes and trainings. This brings a strong evidenced based and practically grounded orientation to my scholarly work.
Tyanai Masiya's picture
Short description: 
Expert in Public Administration, Local government management; Public service delivery
Sara Meger's picture
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Sara Meger is a lecturer in international relations at the University of Melbourne. Her research examines the causes of armed conflict and political violence, drawing on critical feminist and global political economy analyses.
JP Jacobs's picture
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PhD Student, Political Science, Columbia University, USA
Carla Winston's picture
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Dr. Carla Winston is a Senior Lecturer in International Relations at The University of Melbourne. She is interested in International Relations theory, norms and norm diffusion, human rights and transitional justice, peace and conflict, complexity theory, and the uses of popular culture in politics and international affairs. She teaches undergraduate introductory subjects and graduate coursework on international law and human rights, and has published in a number of highly ranked journals.
Pradeep Taneja's picture
Short description: 
Dr Pradeep Taneja is a Senior Lecturer in Asian Politics and an Academic Fellow of the Australia India Institute at the University of Melbourne. He has worked in senior roles with a number of organisations in Australia and Asia. Born and educated in India, he lived and worked in China for more than six years during the 1980s and 90s. In addition to his work on China, he continues to maintain teaching and research interests in Indian politics and foreign policy and regularly writes about it. He was a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, in 2016 and a Visiting Fellow at the Mercator Institute for China Studies in Berlin from May to July 2019. He also worked in Bangkok for two years to help establish a new private university. Earlier he was Director of International Programs in the Graduate School of Management at La Trobe University. His professional career has combined teaching, consultancy and research. Pradeep is frequently interviewed by Australian and foreign media on developments in the Asia-Pacific region. He has published in a variety of journals, including International Politics, European Studies, South Asia, and Asia Policy. He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs. His forthcoming book (OUP) looks at India’s China Challenge. Pradeep studied at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Peking University and the University of Oslo before earning a PhD from Griffith University in Australia. He has published on inclusive policies in China and India.
Sarah Maddison's picture
Short description: 
Sarah Maddison is Professor of Politics in the School of Social and Political Sciences, and Director of the Australian Centre at the University of Melbourne. Sarah is particularly interested in work that helps reconceptualise political relationships between First Nations and the Australian settler state, including critical examinations of a range of relevant public policies. Sarah has published widely in international journals and is the author or editor of nine books including, most recently, The Colonial Fantasy: Why white Australia can’t solve black problems. Her other books in the field include The Limits of Settler Colonial Reconciliation (2016), Conflict Transformation and Reconciliation (2015), Beyond White Guilt (2011), Unsettling the Settler State (2011), and Black Politics (2009). Sarah has led numerous research projects and was an Australian Research Council Future Fellow for 2011-14, undertaking a project that examined reconciliation in Australia, South Africa, Northern Ireland, and Guatemala.
Jared O Bell's picture
Short description: 
Dr. Jared O. Bell is a post-conflict development expert with extensive experience in designing and managing international human rights, democratization, and rule of law and justice sector programs. A prolific writer, Dr. Bell has published numerous articles on human rights, transitional justice, reconciliation and peace building, and is the author of the book “Frozen Justice: Lessons from Bosnia Herzegovina's Failed Transitional Justice Strategy” published with Vernon Press in 2018.
Brian Polkinghorn's picture
Short description: 
I am a conflict intervention practitioner of over 30 years and a professor of Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution for the last 25+ years.

