User directory


Steven Feldstein's picture
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Steven Feldstein is a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in the Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program where he focuses on issues of technology and democracy, human rights, and U.S. foreign policy.
Alexa Zellentin's picture
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Working on the question of theories of climate justice could and should accommodate concerns about people losing the physical environment with all its connections to land, plant life, animals etc. as well as communities in the case where local environments degrade due to anthropogenic climate change. Working to develop a rights-based approach suitable to the issues of identity, culture, and community which are constantly evolving and thus hard to pin down in a traditional rights approach.
Romy Winter's picture
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I am a Lecturer of Policing and Emergency Management at the University of Tasmania. My research focus is domestic and family violence, men's violence, and the impact of violence on children. Leader of the Violence and Abuse Research Unit (VARU), Tasmanian Institute of Law Enforcement Studies (TILES).
Richard Mole's picture
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Richard C. M. Mole is professor of political sociology in the School of Slavonic and East European Studies at University College London. He is the editor of Soviet and Post-Soviet Sexualities. My research examines the social integration of migrants and LGBTQ individuals.
Jose Tessada's picture
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Associate Professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and Director of the UC School of Management. Economist with more than 10 years of academic experience in labor economics and household finance.
Sarah-Myriam Martin-Brûlé's picture
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Sarah-Myriam Martin-Brûlé is Associate Professor at Bishop’s University and Non-Resident Fellow at the International Peace Institute, New York. She is the Deputy Director of the Réseau de recherche sur les opérations de paix, and the 2018–2019 Canada Fulbright Research Chair for Peace and War Studies. She is an associate faculty member of the Center for International Peace and Security Studies (CIPSS) and of the the Montreal Center for International Studies (CERIUM). Her research focuses on peace operations and security issues related to intra-state wars. Her recent research projects focus on UN peacekeeping-intelligence.
Albert Trithart's picture
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Editor and research fellow at the International Peace Institute
Eirini Gallou's picture
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Dr Eirini Gallou, AFHEA (Teaching Fellow for the Centre for Sustainable Development, Strathclyde University) has joined the centre recently, having completed her PhD in ‘Sustainable heritage management in island contexts’, focusing on community engagement mechanisms in the case of Orkney islands, in UCL ISH (Institute for Sustainable heritage) 2020, and working as a policy social analyst for Historic England since then. She has worked in architectural design, policy, and practice in the highly interdisciplinary field of cultural heritage management in the UK, Netherlands, and Greece. Eirini also completed an internship in ICCROM and contributed to one of their flagship expert course ‘People centred-approaches to the Conservation of Nature and Culture’ in 2017. She is passionate about promoting collaborations to address sustainable development in an equitable way for all, and is keen to support work on inclusive policy development and social just transitions discussions, new models of urban development that consider socio-ecological factors and the development of human and social capital next to climate resilience.
James Chin's picture
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Professor of Asian Studies at the University Tasmania. Focus on Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Papua new guinea, fiji, Solomon Islands.
Agnieszka Kitkowska's picture
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I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in human-computer interaction with Karlstad University. My work focuses on online decision-making, the role of attitudes and behavior change. I am also particularly interested in research on human factors in privacy-related decisions, manipulative and 'dark' designs, as well as issues of online inequality.

