Expert and fellow directory


Short description: 
I am mostly focused on the analysis of urban movements and activism. In addition, I am interested in participatory processes about urban planning. Other topics under the umbrella of urban sociology and urban politics, such as housing policies, socio-spatial segregation, use of public spaces, sustainable mobility, local governance and gentrification, are part of my research work as well. More broadly, social movements, political sociology and qualitative methods, too.
Anders Granhag's picture
Short description: 
Professor Granhag is the director of the research unit for Criminal, Legal and Investigative Psychology (CLIP, The CLIP group has repeatedly been rated as one of the world-leading groups in its field. He is the funding coordinator of the Nordic Network for research on Psychology and Law. He is the past President of the European Association of Psychology and Law. He is the Editor for Applied Cognitive Psychology, and an editorial board member of nine additional journals. He has provided reviews for 50+ scientific journals. He has participated as a reviewer/panel board member for a number of national (e.g. The Swedish Research Council) and international granting agencies (e.g., Australian Research Council, Israel Science Foundation, The British Academy, National Science Foundation). He has conducted missions under contract for agencies such as the Swedish Ministry of Justice, the Swedish Government, and Human Rights First. He was appointed visiting Professor at the Scottish Institute for Policing Research (2009-2010), and he is currently visiting Professor at the Norwegian Police University College. In January 2010 he was given an award from the International Academy of Investigative Psychology for “outstanding contributions to Investigative Psychology”. He has been invited to 15+ countries worldwide to present his research to academics and practitioners, among them the U.K (incl MI5), Germany, China, Japan, Russia, Canada and the U.S. (including FBI’s High Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG), LAPD and NYPD). He has conducted work for the U.S. Innocence Project and several mission for the UN (e.g., for UNHCR and UNICRI). His research findings have been acknowledged in international media such as Der Spiegel, New York Times, Newsweek, LA Times, The Guardian, Business Weekly, The Boston Globe, New Scientist, Science Daily and Wall Street Journal.
Samina Zahir's picture
Short description: 
Cultural/ Creative/ Community Sectors; Research; Producing; Evaluation; Facilitation; Experienced in Creative Action Research
Tim Forsyth's picture
Short description: 
Professor, Department of International Development, London School of Economics and Political Science
Jean-Paul Faguet's picture
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Dr. Jean-Paul Faguet is Professor of the Political Economy of Development at the London School of Economics, and Chair of the Decentralization Task Force at Columbia University’s Initiative for Policy Dialogue. He has published in the economics, political science, and development literatures, including Is Decentralization Good for Development? Perspectives from Academics and Policymakers (Oxford, 2015), and Decentralization and Popular Democracy: Governance from Below in Bolivia (Michigan), which won the W.J.M. Mackenzie Prize for best political science book of 2012.
Astra Bonini's picture
Short description: 
I am a sociologist with extensive experience in international development research and practice focusing on human development, inequality, and environmental sustainability. I am currently a Senior Sustainable Development Officer with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs in the Division for Sustainable Development Goals. In this role I lead research and analysis to identify new and emerging issues relevant to sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda with an emphasis on interlinkages across Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Previously, I was a senior researcher with the UN Development Programme's flagship Human Development Report. I co-authored six Reports and led analysis on globalization and the digital frontier, sustainability and inequality, poverty, gender gaps, and social exclusion among others. I also calculated composite indices including the Human Development Index and the Multidimensional Poverty Index. Other experience at the UN has included work with the Statistics Division, compiling environmental statistics and drafting a handbook for countries to monitor progress toward the MDGs; and with UNDP Mongolia assessing the economic, social and environmental impacts of different types of energy efficient technologies in housing. I have also worked in the private sector as a transportation engineer and in academia, including fieldwork in Sudan and Indonesia. I hold a PhD in Sociology from Johns Hopkins University and a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University as well as a B.S. in Civil Engineering. I was also a Postdoctoral Research Scholar with the Committee on Global Thought at Columbia University.
Ayodele Odusola's picture
Short description: 
Chief Economist, UNDP Africa
pedro affonso franco's picture
Short description: 
I am a Brazilian consultant, researcher and speaker, holding an MA in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy from Furtwangen University- Berlin Germany where I currently live. With experiences Latin America, East-Africa and Europe, my areas of expertise include: cultural and creative industries and sustainable development; the role of creative clusters and hubs in local development; participatory and good governance in culture. As an independent consultant, I started my career in 2010 and more recently I started developing works in associating with two main creative economy players from the UK: Tom Fleming Creative Consultancy and BOP Consulting. Through capacity-building, strategic planning, research and evaluation services, it is my drive to support cultural and creative entrepreneurs, policymakers, practitioners and organizations to convert their potential into actions that can generate economic and social benefits.
Abdulmumin Saad's picture
Short description: 
I am a Medical Doctor and Senior Epidemiologist/RH Advisor, providing technical guidance and leadership for program development, and reviewing and coordinating epidemiological and biological research on contraceptive and multipurpose prevention technologies. I also provide technical support for the introduction of new and refined family planning and reproductive health technologies and family planning/HIV integration research, service delivery and research utilization.
Emma Aisbett's picture
Short description: 
Research at the nexus of globalization, environment and development. Find most successful and impactful collaborations arise from interdisciplinary collaborations. Have done a lot of work on international investment agreements where I combine my economic approach with insights from coauthors in law and political science. Most recently working on zero-carbon energy for the Asia-Pacific with a team from across social science, natural science and engineering.

