Expert and fellow directory


Sebastian Fleitas's picture
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Assistant Professor, KU Leuven @LeuvenEconomics | CEPR Research Affiliate @cepr_org | Colaborador @notoquennada |
Warren Mabee's picture
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Dr. Warren Mabee is Associate Dean and Director of the School of Policy Studies at Queen’s University. His main specialty is bioenergy technology and policy, and the role of transformative technologies in revitalizing the Canadian forest sector. He holds the Canada Research Chair in Renewable Energy Development and Implementation.
Francesca Lecci's picture
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Associate Professor of Practice of Government, Health and Not for Profit at SDA Bocconi School of Management. At SDA Bocconi, I am Director of the Executive Master in Management of Healthcare and Social Organizations (EMMAS) and of manypost experience specialization courses. I conducted many research, training and consulting projects with businesses and public institutions operating in healthcare, government and cultural sector. Moreover, I worked with the most important multinational clients operating in the pharmaceuticals, hospitals and entertainment industry. My research activities focuses on management accounting, performance management and corporate finance in healthcare and public sector. Mycurrent research addresses three main questions. The first is the impact of the use of performance measurement systems on the production of value in healthcare sector. The second relates to the role of management control systems in the change process in hospitals and organizations affected by the spending review. The third focuses on gender budgeting processes.
Frank Fitzpatrick's picture
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Dr. Frank Fitzpatrick. Over 20 years international leadership and academic experience in Europe, Latin America and the Middle East, promoting cultural understanding and inclusivity.
Ana Alecsandru's picture
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Dr Ana Alecsandru is a Research Fellow and coordinator of the UK Project on Nuclear Issues (PONI) at RUSI. Her research interests include nuclear weapons policy, in particular nuclear arms control and the impact of emerging technologies on arms control. She is also a founding member of the Emerging Voices Network. The purpose of the Emerging Voices Network is to form a consultative, solutions-focused body of young experts on nuclear issues which will develop recommendations to improve nuclear weapons policy making. Prior to RUSI, she worked in nuclear policy and research in the International Security Programme at Chatham House and the University of Birmingham. Dr Alecsandru holds an MA in Security Studies and an MA in Research Methods from the University of Birmingham. She completed her BSc (hons) in International Relations at the University of Bath. For her PhD research, she was awarded a studentship by the UK Economic and Social Research Council.
Catherine De Vries's picture
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Catherine de Vries is Dean for Diversity & Inclusion and Professor of Political Science at Bocconi University. At Bocconi, she is also associated with the Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy, the BAFFI-CAREFIN research center and the Bocconi COVID crisis Lab. In addition, she is affiliated with Nuffield College, University of Oxford and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Previously, she was Professor of European Politics at the University of Oxford and theWesterdijk Chair in Political Behaviour in Europe at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and held visiting posts at University of California at Los Angeles among others. Catherine is a behavioural political scientist who designs evidence-based interventions, such as laboratory, field and survey experiments, to study some of the key challenges facing the European continent today, such as the rise of exclusionary politics, migration, Euroscepticism and political fragmentation. Next to her academic activities, Catherine has been dedicated to increasing diversity and inclusion within society, through her work the University of Oxford, the European Political Science Association and now at Bocconi University. Catherine is dedicated to training aspiring societal leaders of tomorrow and advising the societal organisations of today. Instilling in her teaching, mentoring and consulting activities a commitment to curiosity for intellectual exchange and scientific rigor while at the same time an awareness that societal innovation is best achieved through a deep commitment to diversity and inclusion. In 2013, she was awarded a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum for her academic and social engagement.
stefano baia curioni's picture
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Professor dep social and political sciences Bocconi univ . Area : arts management, cultural policies
Anil Hira's picture
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Anil (Andy) Hira is a Professor of Political Science at Simon Fraser University and the Director of the Clean Energy Research Group. The latter is designed to find policy and project solutions to aid the > 1 b. people w/o access to electiricty to shift to renewable electricity sources.
Maya Chehade's picture
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Maya is an international development professional with diverse experience in Sub-Saharan Africa and the MENA region in social & economic inclusion projects. She has worked both in the private sector and with international donor agencies. Maya believes in social innovation and entrepreneurship. She supports social impact initiatives that are driven by data and impact assessments. Through her PhD at Sciences Po, Maya is currently evaluating the impact of the private sector on refugees' economic and social integration enabling them to be self-resilient in the Middle East.
Rashila Ramli's picture
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RASHILA RAMLI (Prof. Dato’ Dr.) is Principal Fellow, Professor of Political Science, former Director at the Institute of Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS,) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), and Principal Visiting Fellow at the UNU-International Institute of Global Health. She has a Bachelors degree in Chemistry from Illinois, and Master degree in Business management and PhD in Political Science from Arizona. Her areas of specialization are Political Development, Gender and Politics, and Human Security. Her research areas are on the Global ASEAN, and Promoting Social Inclusion through SDGs and Public Policies. Her current research is on Localizing SDGs in 10 parliamentary constituencies under the All Parliamentary Parties Group Malaysia (APPGM). She is also a member of the Malaysian APEC 2020 Substantive Team. Her professional engagement includes, among others, as President of the Malaysian Social Science Association (PSSM), member of the Council of Security Cooperation in Asia Pacific (CSCAP) Malaysia, Asst. Secretary-General, the National Council for Women’s Organizations (NCWO), Malaysia, and Co-Chair of the Malaysian SDG Academic Network.

