Education and Digital Skills

Public E-team


Team Update and Future Plans

Hello, Team Member.

Katharine and I have recently met to discuss the work of the Team and future steps to increase engagement, participation and outcomes. You'll begin to see output from the online event held towards the end of last year - our next step will be to issue a survey to better understand those in the Team, who you are and what you'd like to get from your work with us as well as seeking your ideas on where you'd like to be involved.

We're working on a number of ideas that includes special interest groups, publications, seeking funding opportunities and addressing global challenges (as well a local and regional ones). 

We will also seek to develop a form of newsletter in the future, but for now we'll use this forum and our social media / Twitter account @UNDigitalSkills. Also feel free to contact myself or Katharine directly if you have any ideas or wish to lead on a particular theme.

We plan to facilitate a Team meeting in the future so that we can also get to know each other better.

May I take this opportunity to welcome new members - please feel free to use this space to introduce yourself and your areas of expertise / interest.

Kind regads and best wishes.

