Valorizing Evidence for Inclusive Education Policy in Indonesia

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Workshop Report: Final Results Dissemination Workshop on Valorization of Evidence for Inclusive Education Policy

Workshop Agenda:

As UNESCO’s Lead National Implementing Partner (LNIP), the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) conducted research to investigate the current situation of knowledge valorization practices for an inclusive education policy in Indonesia. It resulted in a Situational Analysis and a Practical Guide for information update in the Indonesian education policymaking process. These documents were presented in the Final Results Dissemination Workshop on Valorization of Evidence for Inclusive Education Policy”; aiming to

  1. share the information gathered in the project,
  2. build capacities of workshop participants regarding inclusive education policies and knowledge valorization practices, and
  3. gain stakeholders’ feedback on CIPS and UNESCO’s recommendations. This is the second workshop in the research process, the first of which was held in September 2018, which was followed by the research in September- December 2018.
