Social Protection Policies in the MENA region

Public E-team


Amir Lebdioui's picture
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Research on industrial policy, extractives, energy transitions and economic diversification strategies in resource-dependent countries.
Hizkia Respatiadi's picture
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Hizkia Respatiadi is a PhD candidate at the University of Otago. Formerly the Head of Research at the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS). The focus area of his research is policy issues in Food Trade and Agriculture. He leads the Affordable Food for the Poor project that aims to lower basic food prices in Indonesia by reducing trade barriers between Indonesia and other countries.
Eunice Kamwendo's picture
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I am an experienced development economist and Senior policy advisor with relevant experience at the national, regional and global levels, dealing with long term development planning, macroeconomic analysis, sustainable development frameworks and poverty and human development issues.
Tim Pringle's picture
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Tim is a Senior Lecturer in Labour, Social Movements and Development at SOAS, University of London and Editor of The China Quarterly. His research focuses on labour movements, industrial relations and trade union reform in China, Russia and Vietnam. From 1996 to 2006, Tim worked with various labour rights organisations in Hong Kong and Mainland China prior to embarking on a PhD at the University of Warwick. Tim has published his research in numerous trade union, labour NGO and peer-reviewed journals and contributed chapters to many edited books. His own books include Trade Unions in China: the challenge of labour unrest re-issued in paperback by Routledge in 2013 and co-authorship of The Challenge of Transition: Trade Unions in Russia, China and Vietnam (2011, Palgrave). Tim’s recent articles include the ‘Rise (and possible) Fall of “Collective Bargaining” in South China’ (2015) International Union Rights; ‘A Class Against Capital: Class and Collective Bargaining in Guangdong’, Globalizations, 2017: 14 (2); ‘Taking Matters into their own hands’ New Internationalist (2016); a blog post entitled ‘What to LNGOs in China do?’ (2016) China Policy Institute; ‘A Solidarity Machine? Hong Kong Labour NGOs in Guangdong, Critical Sociology (2017) Online First ); and ‘Taming Labour: Workers’ struggles, workplace unionism and collective bargaining on a Chinese waterfront’ (2018) ILRReview with Meng Quan.
Ahmed Aref's picture
Short description: 
Experienced Research and Public Policy Expert with 17 years of experience working on evidence based policy development including; research, interdisciplinary policy analysis, impact assessment, advocacy and international cooperation at national, regional and international levels. Prior joining Qatar Foundation, he worked for UNFPA Regional Office; EU Program on Family and Child Rights and the Egyptian Prime Minister’s Office. His research focuses on the politics of social policies, social justice and interdisciplinary policy analysis from socio-economic perspective in the Arab region, with a particular emphasis on Gulf and Mashreq contexts. His areas of expertise include social protection systems, resilience mechanisms, maternity protection, social inclusion/ exclusion, labour policy transformations, family policies, demography and sustainable development. He also published and coauthored peer-reviewed articles, policy briefs and research reports on issues related to disability protection, social welfare system, housing and family formation/dissolution, work-family balance policies, political economy of international aid, monitoring and evaluation under humanitarian circumstances, among others. He delivered high-quality consultancies, led research, policy and advocacy programs in the aforementioned fields, and participated as a speaker in numerous national, regional and international conferences and expert meetings. Publications can be found on: Ahmed is affiliated with the Institute for Policy Research, University of Bath, UK and can be reached on: Email:
N. Arunotai's picture
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Researcher working on the issues of alternative development, indigenous peoples, joint management of natural resources, and creative tourism.
Noraini Md Yusof's picture
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Associate Professor at the Institute of Malaysian and International Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Yuriko Kameyama's picture
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Researcher in Inclusive education, gender, inequality
Aline Khoury's picture
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My latest works focus on international cooperation for sustainable development, and previous works addressed social policy for groups in vulnerability. Key professional roles include Tutor for the LSE Public Policy online course through GetSmarter; Researcher on environmental cooperation at Igarapé Institute; Advisor for trilateral cooperation and educational programme at the UK Foreign Office in Brazil; Consultant on migration policy for IOM-UN, etc. I hold a PhD in Development Studies from the University of Cambridge and a Masters from Paris V University.
Rafael Arredondo Quijada's picture
Short description: 
Social Worker for twenty-five years in constant learning. Since the intervention in the field of addictions, and in the youth and children, addressing the problems of housing and eviction arising from the crisis in 2008, have marked my professional and academic development. Professor at the University of Málaga, Doctor in Research and Social and Community Intervention. Committed in the professional development of Social Work as president of the Professional College in Málaga and member of the General Council of Spain.

