Social Protection Policies in the MENA region

Public E-team


Esuna Dugarova's picture
Short description: 
Policy Specialist at UNDP
Liana Giorgi's picture
Short description: 
Liana Giorgi works freelance in research, training and policy evaluation. She has extensive experience in project management as well as in the design and implementation of interdisciplinary and comparative research in various areas relevant for public policy such as social policy, research policy and infrastructure policy. She studied cognitive sciences at MIT (USA), social and political sciences at the University of Cambridge (GB) and psychoanalysis at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society (AT). She has published in the fields of political sociology and European integration. Book publications (as author, co-author and editor) include: Festivals and the Cultural Public Sphere (Routledge 2011), Democracy in the European Union; Towards the Emergence of a Public Sphere (Routledge 2006), Income, Poverty and Social Exclusion in the European Union: Second European Social Report (Eurostat 2003), Policy and Project Evaluation (Ashgate 2001), The Post-Socialist Media: What Power the West? (Avebury 1995).
Alexander Hauschild's picture
Short description: 
I am currently based in Jakarta, Indonesia, have 16 years experience in international development, and I am available for projects world wide. Themes include: - Disability - Human Rights Based Approaches - Inclusive Education - Social Inclusion - Social Protection Services include: - Advocacy and awareness raising - Capacity building - Concept development - Evaluations - Material development (electronic and print) - Project management - Project proposals and project design - Training and workshops Country experience: Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Myanmar, Norway, Palestine, South-Sudan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam and Yemen. Worked with: AODN, AusAID, BMZ, Braillo Norway, British Council, Cardno, CBM, DEval, DFAT, EC, EENET, GFA, GIZ, Handicap International, Helen Keller International, IDP Norway, Kindernothilfe, Light for the World, Myanmar Education Consortium, Norwegian Mission Alliance, Norwegian Refugee Council, Palladium, Plan International, Save the Children, Terre de Hommes, UNESCO, UNICEF, USAID, WHO, and the World Bank as well with many local NGOs and DPOs.

