Social Protection Policies in the MENA region

Public E-team


Jean Pierre Wilken's picture
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Professor at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, working on social inclusion of persons with a disability.
Mohamed Kadry's picture
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Mohamed Kadry, founder of Think Tank Development Solutions; a social venture acting as a knowledge hub for social development innovations introduced by young people, focusing mainly on Social Entrepreneurship as a mean for sustainable development. Mohamed has been working in community development since 2002, working for and collaborating with many local, international and governmental organizations; Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ashoka Arab World, UNDP, Information and Decision Support Center, Ministry of Social Solidarity, UNICEF, British Council, GIZ, Danish Egyptian Dialogue Institute and UNESCO. Mohamed’s expertise includes civic engagement and participation, dialogue, social accountability, debating skills, outreach and communication, youth development, youth unemployment, and youth economic empowerment. Mohamed holds a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from School of Global Affairs and Public Policy/American University in Cairo. In 2008 he completed a graduate diploma in Management of NGOs from Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences/Cairo University. In 2005 he received his bachelor degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences/Cairo University. In 2012 Mohamed had received Youssef Jameel Public Leadership Fellowship and in 2014 Mohamed had received the Social Entrepreneurship Award "Pioneers of Egypt", from Synergos Foundation for his efforts in creative youth civic engagement approaches.
Zachary Morris's picture
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I'm an Assistant Professor of Social Welfare at Stony Brook University, where I research disability and health policy and comparative social policy.
Anna Bilous's picture
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Teaching Fellow at SOAS, Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Cambridge. My research lies in the domain of economic and political development. I am most interested in issues related to industrial policies and strategic planning. My PhD project looks into industrial policies and market forces involved in the evolution of aircraft manufacturing sector in Eastern Europe and Eurasia.
Lassane Ouedraogo's picture
Short description: 
Academic Executive Officer at Trinity College Dublin, Chairperson of the Africa Solidarity Centre Ireland. Ireland National Coordinator of the Greek Refugee Forum and the Movement of Refugees Ideas and Solutions for Europe (RISE), working with marginalised ethnic minorities in Ireland and Europe and is engaged in promoting equality by bridging the gap between those communities and policy makers. Worked with Sport Against Racism Ireland (SARI), the Irish Refugee Council as founding member of the Campaign to End Direct Provision and National Coordinator, Research Assistant in Counting the Cost "Barriers to employment after Direct Provision Report" and as an immigration caseworker.
Patrick Blessinger's picture
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Patrick Blessinger is an adjunct professor of education at St. John's University, a math and science teacher with the New York State Education Department, and founder and chief research scientist of the International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association (in consultative status with the United Nations).
Anna Rurka's picture
Short description: 
Since 2008, I’m Senior Lecturer at the University Paris Nanterre in Education Science, in the family education and family social work research team (Center of Research Education and Training EA 1589). My research focus and publications involve participation in assessing measures for people receiving social work support, access to rights by vulnerable groups and systemic and institutional analysis of the power dynamics in public policies. My scientific interest concern: - Social work practices based on human rights approach - Civil participation in democratic and social changes - Individual and collective social engagement Since 2005, on behalf of EUROCEF (European Committee for Home-based Priority Action for the Child and the Family, an International Non Governmental Organization founded in 1988), I'm engaged in the work of the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe, where I currently serve as President (2015-2018)
Hugh McLaughlin's picture
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Prof of Social Social Work at Manchester Metropolitan University with an interest in meaningful service user involvement in social work education and research, critical professional practice and safeguarding.
Emilio Jose Gomez Ciriano's picture
Short description: 
Accredited profesor at the Faculty of Social Work at Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha . Cuenca (Spain) . My main áreas of Research are Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Welfare state conditionality. Integration of migrants and refugees and social work and art Author of more tan 50 publications in English French and Spanish. Actually i am Member of the Executivr Board of ESWRA (European Social Work Research Association) and also member of the editorial Board of "Social Work and Education· I have a PhD in Social anthropology, i am bachelor in laws and Gratuate in Social Work. I Coordinate a Research group and have participated in several EU funded projects
Paul Spicker's picture
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Professor Paul Spicker is a writer and commentator on social policy, covering issues of poverty, social protection and service delivery, and a Fellow of CROP. He is the author of 18 books, including Social Policy: Theory and Practice, The Welfare State and Arguments for Welfare. His website, An Introduction to Social Policy ( is widely used internationally.

