UNESCO Quality Physical Education Policy Project - South Africa

Public E-team


Thamsanqa Robert Ncube's picture
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Governments are responsible for two critical issues here - countering of international organized crime and protecting societies most vunerable members, especially children and young persons. Some goverñments and organizations provide excellent examples of responsible action already underway.
Catherine Carty's picture
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UNESCO Chair Project Manager UNESCO Chair Project Manager "Transforming the Lives of People with Disabilities, their Families and Communities, Through Physical Education, Sport, Recreation and Fitness". Munster Technological University Co Kerry Ireland Phone: +353 66 7144194 Mobile: +353 87 2868250
Byron Malga's picture
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Coach Development and Training, TuksSport, hpc, University of Pretoria
Suzanne Hargreaves's picture
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I am a Senior Education Officer within Education Scotland with national lead responsibility for Health and wellbeing and Outdoor Learning. I am also an Attainment Adviser within Scottish Government's Scottish Attainment Challenge to reduced the poverty-related attainment gap in Scotland.
Reza Rajabi's picture
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Prof. Reza Rajabi is a Professor at the University of Tehran (Physical education and sport sciences faculty). His career in physical education enabled Reza to work with a wide variety of students in various ages in the field of physical education and some related organizations across Iran. Reza is interested in the area of postural abnormalities and musculoskeletal disorders caused by nonstandard school furniture particularly among young students. Hi main interest is is correcting postural disorders among children using corrective physical games and VR based corrective game
Sandeep Seeth's picture
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Director at AFRICAN iNTELLECT. Mr. Seeth's company is an active member of the "Sport for Social Change Network (SSCN)". He has brought fresh thinking to the Network and prides himself on promoting Transformation and Development in Sport and Physical Education. He is a member of the Technical, Academic, Corporate & Risk Committees of the Board incorporated to oversee matters of Governance of the Ministerial Discretionary Project. Risk Management; Corporate Governance, Strategy & Operations including Policy Development
Douglas Gleddie's picture
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Dr. Doug Gleddie is a husband and father who also happens to be an Associate Professor at the University of Alberta (Elementary Physical Education). In a career filled with change, the only true constants have been physical activity/education, working with kids and, how joy fills the spaces in between. Although it took him a while to fully embrace this epiphanal thought, the journey itself has enabled Doug to work with a wide variety of people and organizations across Canada and around the world. Doug is currently researching narratives of movement and physical education as well as exploring the affective aspects of physical literacy. He takes care of his own wellness by being active with his family; improving his guitar picking and seeking new challenges each day. Visit Doug’s blog at www.purposefulmovement.net
Norman Mphake's picture
Short description: 
Norman Mphake is the Founding Director of the Physical Education Institute of South Africa (PEISA) an organisation committed to advocating for active engagement, skills development, debate, research, innovation, knowledge sharing and setting the foundation for a healthy, active and physically literate South Africa. currently serving as the QPE National Coordinator - South Africa
Manon Leroy's picture
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Project assistant for the Quality Physical Education (QPE) policy project, SHS, UNESCO HQ
