Review of national policy framework on disability in Timor-Leste

Private E-team


Iulia Sevciuc's picture
Short description: 
Iulia works with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on inclusive growth, social policy, and knowledge impact on policy. She is the Chief of Section a.i. for Management of Social Transformations and Foresight, leading the work on the MOST intergovernmental programme and the UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab. Prior to UNESCO, Iulia worked on the same agendas with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Her appointments with the United Nations were preceded by work with the US Aid Development Agency (USAID)/International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX). Iulia holds an MSc in Comparative Social Policy from the University of Oxford, following on from a degree in economics.
Alexandra Albert's picture
Short description: 
Senior Researcher - Centre for Collective Intelligence Design, NESTA
Irakli Khodeli's picture
Short description: 
Programme Specialist, Social and Human Sciences Sector, UNESCO
Sumit Joshi's picture
Short description: 
Global Director for the Lorinet Foundation. An education entrepreneur working towards enhancing the employability and organisational skills of engineering graduates in India, thereby improving the quality of the Indian workforce
