Pakistan: Education and Women

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Wajiha Raza Rizvi's picture

Pakistan: Education & Women (2015) points to female literacy lapse in Pakistan. The film addresses the issues of about 75% historic lapse in female literacy and attitudes of Pakistani society towards women’s right to primary and secondary education in Pakistan. It hints at illiteracy explosion from 18.64 % to 55.24 % from 1951 to 2010. This increase in the illiteracy ratio is due to inability of Pakistan governmetn to provide basic access to education to 25 million children. It points to the causes of illiteracy explosion in Pakistan since Partition.

Wajiha Raza Rizvi 19 Aug 2023
Wajiha Raza Rizvi's picture

Pakistan does not provide access to education to all children free of cost. It must invest in primary education throughout the country to reach 100% literacy rate by 2030. Even though it targets to provide 100% free education to all up to age 16 / grade-10 by 2030, it cannot meet the target set by UN without the political will and without increasing the education budget and number of experts striving together to meet this goal.

Wajiha Raza Rizvi 19 Aug 2023
Wajiha Raza Rizvi's picture

The number of women in tertiary education is increasing at a high rate. The film also shows that more young women than young men win gold medals. 

Wajiha Raza Rizvi 19 Aug 2023
