IPL-VALORESIA (Most Academies 2018 - South East Asia)

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Valorizing Evidence on Inclusive Social Development to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (South East Asia): Follow up

- The IPL Valorisation Advocacy Laboratory for Optimisation of Resources and Engagement of Social Inclusion Actors

Recently, two MOST Academy events were held consecutively in Manila and Kuala Lumpur as part of the "Valorization Project" as titled above.  Continuity of this initiative leads to the setup of a virtual space for inclusive policy innovation, as a go-to source of inclusive policy models and policy-relevant analysis with both present and anticipatory dimensions; closely aligning with the social development priorities of the Member States in the region and the ASEAN's focus area of social welfare and development.

This virtual lab promotes the sustainable engagement of social inclusion actors (which are policy actors and grassroots actors) through the SERBAKAYA model for the valorisation of evidence in inclusive social development.

Geographical area: South-East Asia
Theme(s) of intervention: Inclusive social development / inclusive societies / social inclusion
Created: 01 Mar 2018
Latest update: 18 Jul 2018

Outcome Documents

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