Education and Digital Skills

Public E-team


Claire Hathaway Rusam's picture
Short description: 
My interests and expertise lie at the intersection of policy and innovation. I currently work at the Management of Social Transformations and Foresight (MOST) Programme of UNESCO. In this role, I am conducting research and assisting in the coordination of a project with the European Commission on government innovation and capacity building. I also lead the research at the Inclusive Policy Lab, focusing on sustainable welfare, data for good and trust in science.
Natalia Kucirkova's picture
Short description: 
Natalia Kucirkova is Professor of Early Childhood Education and Development at the University of Stavanger, Norway and Professor of Reading and Children’s Development at The Open University, UK. Natalia’s work is concerned with social justice in children’s literacy and use of technologies. She is the founder of the International Collective of Children’s Digital Books that connects research and design in children’s e-books and literacy apps. Her research takes place collaboratively across academia, commercial and third sectors.
Cristina Blanco Sío-López, PhD's picture
Short description: 
Dr. Cristina Blanco Sío-López is EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Senior Global Fellow and Principal Investigator (PI) of the EU Horizon 2020 research project ‘Navigating Schengen: Historical Challenges and Potentialities of the EU’s Free Movement of Persons, 1985-2015’ (NAVSCHEN) at the European Studies Center (ESC) of the University of Pittsburgh and at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. She is also Member of the Executive Committee of the Global Young Academy (GYA) at the German Academy of Sciences ‘Leopoldina’ and Co-Leader of the GYA project ‘The COVID-19 Pandemic and Art’, as well as Member of the Spanish National Young Academy (AJE), where she represents the field of History. She previously was Chair of the North America Chapter of the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA), Assistant Professor in ‘European Culture and Politics’ at the University of Groningen and ‘Santander’ Senior Fellow in European Studies at the European Studies Centre (ESC) – St. Antony’s College of the University of Oxford, where she remains a Senior Member. She obtained her PhD in History and Civilization (European Integration History) at the European University Institute of Florence (EUI), for which she received the FAEY ‘Best PhD Thesis European Research and Mobility Award’. She coordinated and participated in numerous international research projects, conferences and peer-reviewed publications in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Her research and publications focus on European Integration History —with an accent on enlargement policy temporalities and the Schengen area fundamental rights— Global Governance, Comparative Regional Integration and Digital Humanities.
Daniel Smith's picture
Short description: 
I am Daniel Henry Smith from Liberia, West Africa. I am the founding executive director of the Teaching and Learning Center at the University of Liberia. I am also a PhD candidate in Education at the Rutgers Graduate School of Education. As a teenager, I experienced Liberia's civil war and escaped on foot to Guinea where I was educated in a school organized by the International Rescue Committee (IRC). I went on to complete my studies at the University of Liberia where I was the student president. My academic research focuses on the extent to which international intervention in educational development in Liberia fosters or hinders innovation among Liberian educators and has implications for the effective collaboration between international organizations and local stakeholders in educational development.
Katharine Jewitt's picture
Short description: 
Dr Katharine Jewitt is an Associate Lecturer at The Open University in four faculties at The Open University (Business and Law; Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics; Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies and The Centre for Inclusion and Collaborative Partnership) tutoring on access, undergraduate and postgraduate courses. She also works as a Validator with the Digital Schools Company to guide and implement its ongoing strategy to promote digital skills in Nursery / Primary / Special Education / Secondary schools & organisations.
Massimo Ragnedda's picture
Short description: 
Massimo Ragnedda (PhD) ( is an Associate Professor in Media and Communication at Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK where he conducts research on the digital divide and social media. He is the co-chair of the Digital Divide Working Group (IAMCR), the co-convenor of NINSO (Northumbria Internet and Society Research Group) and a Digital Poverty Alliance Ambassador. He has authored and edited thirteen books with his publications appearing in numerous peer-reviewed journals, and book chapters in English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Russian texts. His books include: Enhancing Digital Equity. Connecting the digital underclass (Palgrave, 2020); Digital Capital. A Bourdieusian approach to Digital Divide (with Maria Laura Ruiu) Emerald 2020; Digital Inclusion. An International Comparative Analysis (co-edited with Bruce Mutsvairo), Lexington Books 2018; Theorizing the Digital Divide (co-edited with G Muschert), Routledge (2017); The third Digital Divide: a Weberian approach to Digital Inequalities (2017), Routledge; The Digital Divide: The Internet and Social Inequality in International Perspective (co-edited with G Muschert) (2013), Routledge.
Agathangelos Stavropoulos's picture
Short description: 
PhD: Digital Activism and Political Trust (UofGlasgow) MSc: International Relations (Uni of Bristol) MA: Art Law & Arts Management (IHU) BA: Translation and Interpretation (Ionian Uni)
Olga Ioannidou's picture
Short description: 
I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Education at the University of Oxford. My research interests include teacher education, scientific reasoning and argumentation, as well as research impact. I am currently working on the H2020-funded ‘FEDORA’ project, which investigates students’ future-oriented skills for enhancing responsibility and civic engagement. I am also a member of ‘SciKids’ project, which aims to assess the nature of science teaching in early years education.
Lee Dunn's picture
Short description: 
I have 27 years of experience in education, spanning secondary school teaching, national policy development, industry and higher education. As the Head of the Scottish Digital Academy at The Scottish Government, I support 1,400 Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) professionals and develop digital skills and capability across the public sector.
Vacih Davalibi's picture
Short description: 
Advanced data management expertise with extensive experience in leading monitoring, evaluation, and research operations for humanitarian and development projects, ten years of challenging and developing these skills to create new Ideas and values to serve humanity.

