Children's Quality Holistic Education

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International Inclusive Model Policy for Relationships (and sexuality education) Curriculum implementation in primary/elementary schools

This policy has operationalised due to the need for cultural awareness across international contexts when it comes to sensitive curriculum areas such as Relationships (and sexuality education). This policy has been designed under direction of the Board of Directors, Pastoral leads and with parental consultation in an international Islamic national Ministry of Education school using the statutory guidance from the United Kingdom Department for Education (DfE) issued under section 80A of the Education Act 2002 and section 403 of the Education Act 1996. It is stated that schools must have regard to the guidance and, where they depart from those parts of the guidance which state that they should, or should not, do something, they will need to have good reasons for doing so. National culture, including religious beliefs were considered and continue to be considered for implementation of this policy.
