Basic Income in and beyond the COVID crisis

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Daniel Holod's picture

This piece by Mark Paul discusses the potential of a carbon price to help fund UBI schemes. Faced the pandemic, increasing inequality, and climate change, Paul argues that the carbon price-and-dividend, or a green basic income, can begin to tackle all three crises.

Daniel Holod 03 May 2021
Daniel Holod's picture

Guy Standing, a founding member of the Basic Income Earth Network, writes on how a basic income system can address gender-based inequality. Guy argues that a properly designed UBI system can better benefit women, citing a recent study in India.

Daniel Holod 03 May 2021
Daniel Holod's picture

In this podcast, Ioana Marinescu discusses the potential of UBI to address immediate shocks of COVID and its role in inclusive policy in the long run. The podcast includes insight on the policy context in which UBI would need to promote greater equity, opportunities to finance UBI, and key gaps on UBI research.

Daniel Holod 03 May 2021
Shreya Arora's picture

This article by Ian Gough summarizes an alternative case to UBI – Universal Basic Services (UBS).

Under UBS, the provision of free public services would go beyond health or education to cover other basic necessities (e.g., housing, care, transport, information, nutrition). UBS can be more egalitarian with a strong redistributive performance and impact on income inequalities.

Shreya Arora 03 May 2021
